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I need some advice

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Hey ppl I need da best advice as possible. Me and my girlfriend has being goin out for bout a year and some change. and she wants to go to diz military ball. But da thing iz im not going wit her. and diz dude asked her but i know him though.Me and him iz cool but i really dont talk to him like dat. But she wants to go to it wit him and I really dont know wut to say. she asked me bout it a couple times but I dont know wut to say, I say its up to u but really i dont know wut to do. I need some help wit dis one and its really makin me upset bout it. da ball thingy iz da end of march and i really need help. Please help.

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As the above poster mentioned, please don't go out of your way to type like rerun.


If you're not comfortable with her going with another guy, tell her so. If she persists, reassess the relationship.

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