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Sexual compatability?


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I've been dating my bf for about 6 months. We really care about eachother and get along great.


We met a while ago and had mutual crushes since then. I find him very attractive.


However once we started going out, I found out he has herpes. An outbreak of his while we first started dating put a hold on our sex life for a bit as I emotionally confronted that. Then when we started getting sexual, every time it got to having sex or putting on a condom things fizzled. I assumed it was my fault for not being sexy enough, or for being too frank about my concerns about the STD in the beginnning.


When he expressed concern that we weren't having sex enough, we started creating more sexual encounters, then he had more performance anxiety. It got so awful. I would cry and he would feel bad about himself. Yuck!


I really care about him a lot. Though, I don't know if this situation is salvageable. It feels like we're both just miserable.


You hear about people that don't have sexual compatability. Is that what this is? It's just awful.

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im shocked you will still date him knowin he has herpes....thats nice and ballsy. that would make me run the other way. if you had kids you can pass it on to your kids.

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if you really really like him, just explain to him u dont mind his performance problems right now. get him to calm down and relax, remember the attractoin between you two while u attempt to make love. forget about all other details, this will help him get over performance anxiety. I had that problem once and i felt awful cause the girl would think something was wrong with her, cause i woudl go limp. but eventually I got over the anxiety and i ended up being ready to go a little bit too often ahaha. things will workout, dont give up on him. just be careful with the herpes!!!!!

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im shocked you will still date him knowin he has herpes....thats nice and ballsy. that would make me run the other way. if you had kids you can pass it on to your kids.


Did you know that 25% of the population has this STD? Did you know that most of the people who have this, don't even know they do? People who have it aren't proud they have it, and it doesn't make them an awful person. You can get it from having sex once, with one person. Just because you have it, doesn't make you a slut, etc..


Yes its contagious, but for the most part only when an outbreak occurs. There are also several levels of it from mild to extreme. I would suggest reading up on it. Its not as bad as some people claim it to be. And no, I don't have it. My fiancee does and I love her with all of my heart and think she's the sexiest woman on this planet.

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