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whats the next move??

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well i told my friend that i am starting to get a crush on her. and now i dunno what to do next. her old bf has told her he just wants to be friends with her many of times, but i guess she still holds that place in her heart for him.. her reactions to what i've said are confusing, we'll talk for three hours one night about everything and then she wont say much to me the next day. we are close, and i wish to be closer, but i think she still wants to be with her old bf, and is liking the attention that i give her...well any advice will help i guess.

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señor amorío
well i told my friend that i am starting to get a crush on her. and now i dunno what to do next. her old bf has told her he just wants to be friends with her many of times, but i guess she still holds that place in her heart for him.. her reactions to what i've said are confusing, we'll talk for three hours one night about everything and then she wont say much to me the next day. we are close, and i wish to be closer, but i think she still wants to be with her old bf, and is liking the attention that i give her...well any advice will help i guess.


Well Tarzan


you seem to be in a place where we all have been one time or another. The key thing to this is how long has she been with her bf and how many times has she been heartbroken. The longer she has been with him and the fewer times she's been heartbroken, the harder it'll be for her to get past this. I would say stay persistant, keep trying, but be careful - DON'T OVER DO IT AND DON'T UNDER DO IT! Meaning, don't spend too much time or money on her, but at the same time don't go too many days without speaking to her. Obviously she likes talking to ya and being around you, or you wouldn't be friends, so that's half the battle already. Your almost there - If she hasn't made it clear that she doesn't want a closer relationship yet, then you have a chance. You just have to examine things a little closer -and find a way to win her heart.

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