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How to get over my ex of 22 years

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Hi! I need some advice. I was married to a man for 22 years that decided to walk out on me - we had separated twice before years ago but he always begged me to come back and I took him back. I feel we had a very good marriage and he was a good husband - always had suprises for me and romantic things planned. I am having a very hard time moving on and just this last weekend he hurt me terribly - I went out for awhile came home after having a few drinks and took my sleeping pill....I called him and he was very cruel and he hung up on me and then I would call back well i finally just stopped calling back to him and the next thing I knew I woke up to three police officers standing over me - he had told them that I was going to hurt myself - I would never do this - I thought about it in October but promised my three sons that I would never do this - sure there are times I just don't want to get up in the morning. My doctor has had me on anti-depressents but they make me so sick and make me not feel like a normal person. How am I suppose to get over this man - I still love him dearly - two of our children our over 21 but we still have a 13 year old that we need to raise together. It seems like I just can't get over him and I continue to e-mail him and call him....he has a lot of anger. Tell me the magic way to stop loving him....any responses would truly help

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There is no magic formula. Count to 10 every time you reach for the phone or email and tell youself to stop and not initiate contact.


Get out with friends. Try some classes or hobbies that you have always wanted to try but never did.


Get some counseling to go along with the anti-depressents.


Don't mix drinking with sleeping pills or anti-depressents.

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