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Plutonic roomies?

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Okay, I have a weird question. A male friend and I were discussing the topic of plutonic, opposite sex friends living together. I believed it would work okay, assuming all parties involved (meaning significant others) were understanding. He disagreed, and said the guy (no matter what his original intentions) is going to develop sexual feelings for the female. He also said that guys wake up EVERY morning with an erection. Is this true, or is he just trying to make his argument? I would appreciate some guy feedback.. thanks!

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billy the kid

well Kim I agree with him on one point... If this hypothic. guy is seeing the room mate nude once in a while he might very well develope sexual feelings for her, for that matter he might do that never seeing her nude, you know going from the shower ect... but as far as the erection thing when I was in my teens this happened regulary, but that was just cuz I had to use the restroom, not from hornyness... I still like to do the wild thing as often as my girl wants it( sometimes she likes it twice a day, but not often) any way the only time still I wake up with one is when I need to visit the bathroom..

Okay, I have a weird question. A male friend and I were discussing the topic of plutonic, opposite sex friends living together. I believed it would work okay, assuming all parties involved (meaning significant others) were understanding. He disagreed, and said the guy (no matter what his original intentions) is going to develop sexual feelings for the female. He also said that guys wake up EVERY morning with an erection. Is this true, or is he just trying to make his argument? I would appreciate some guy feedback.. thanks!
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Right off the bat, as irrelevant as it may be to your question, not all men wake up with erections. Some do sometimes, a few do often, but it is the exception rather than the rule.


Platonic roomies, who both have significant others, would be a rather weird and impractical arrangement. I don't think it's a good idea.


Two platonic friends (male and female), who are unattached and dating around, could be just fine as roommates in many cases. There is always a chance that one could fall for the other. That's a chance you would take.


On the other hand, there are many girls that live with girls and are miserable because one's a mess or has loud boyfriends over.


Let's face it...living together with anybody has its trials. But to answer your question, platonic friends can live just fine together notwithstanding waking up with erections.


Now if you're talking about platonic male/female friends living together in a one-bedroom or sleeping in the same bed, if they are attracted to each other in any way they'd be crazy not to roll in the hay once in a while. Who's watching.

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