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1.5 years later...


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In my attempt to make this short, I'm sure to leave out pertinent information...



We broke up for a variety of reasons that added up to too much. Prior to our break up, we moved to a new city together and he talked marriage. The move didnt work out, mostly due to the fact that we couldnt find satisfying work. That was 1.5 years ago. We have been in contact on and off since then, never quite able to let the other go. Im 32 he is 35. We now live in different states on opposites sides of the country. He is in trade school that ends at the end of January.


We were supposed to meet up halfway btwn our cities last month, before he started with school, but I cancelled a week before after I realized that I had a lot to loose. Life is short, and I felt like I was more into the possibility of us than he was. Well, the weekend we were supposed to meet up halfway he called me when he was an hour outside my town and asked if I was interested in meeting him. He was in a nearby town visiting a friend. Well we met up and had sex. Of course it was great and fun. He said he was sorry for not taking care of me the way I deserved (when we were together).


Since then, we've been entertaining the idea of seeing if we want to give it another go. I've never really been able to move on. And I guess he hasnt either or why still talk to me...?


He has told me on two recent occasions that he still cares about me, but is scared that things will end the same way. We've decided that the first thing to do is talk about why things didnt work and why they might be different now.


My question is, do you think that he (we) should be sure of his feelings for me (us) at this point? Or, have all of those stupid romantic comedies ruined my ability to look at this rationally? Is it stupid to even entertain the idea of the possibility of a second chance? I'm scared to death of getting hurt again, but I do still care for him and would love to see what could happen.


No one cheated, nothing "bad" happened. It was a perfect storm of difficult circumstances at the same time.


A real second chance would mean that one of us (or both) would have to move at some point for the other as well.


Thoughts? Advice?


Thank you


Today we talked about meeting up in the next month in person to talk about the issues.

Edited by soulseeker
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of course its possible. things can be put back together again and better than ever i believe. and stronger. but it takes hard honest work on both parts. admitted both faults. growth. not pointing fingers blaming. being sensitive to each other needs. trying to honor and respect them. read men are from mars woman are from venus. focusing on the poistive things about each other , making mutual compromises. its not easy. but its worth a try if you two kept missing each other and dont have anyone else in your lives now.


thats my opinion.


give it a time thing like 6 months...and if it doesnt seem right...chaulk it up. and ...ummmmm dont get pregnant. p

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