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naturally occurring vs. sought romances

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here's something i noticed - i wonder if anyone else feels the same, and if anybody has any comments.


i find that i'm a lot more comfortable with dating someone i've known for a while than somebody who picked me up (i.e. chatted & asked for contact info) at a gathering.


in the former case, which is more natural and intuitive, i think, you know the basic info about the person, you've hung out in groups on at least several occasions, you know of things you have in common, you have common acquiantances/friends, etc. if you naturally end up sticking to each other whenever in the same group, you eventually start going out alone, and so forth.


in the latter case, all i have is some guy who looks like a decent man, who asked for my number at some party or gathering. you have to go through way too many basic-info questions *yawn* - and it's just odd to be on a date with someone you barely know! i mean sometimes it's fun and exciting, but i think many people who i'd like if i were to hang out with them in groups and get to know them slowly and naturally, - these same people i wouldn't like if i were to just meet them at a party and go on a date the next time i see them.


do you know what i mean?? sorry abt the lack of caps, btw.



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Hmmm...in either case, I think chemistry plays the biggest part. I've had "new" acquaintances make me feel like I could talk to them all night. I really could not say if I would feel more confortable with someone I just met or with a long-time friend/interest. I believe it is all a question of attraction (physical and/or psychological). I've known long-time potential interests who just bore me to death, yet I've also met guys which, after 5 minutes, I felt like I had known all my life.

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