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I kicked my father in the nuts


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It was on Wednesday that I had an argument with him. He was driving me crazy with curfews and what guy I'm dating (I just turned 18 last month) so I told him to get the hell out of my life, how it was none of his business. It was proceed by a ''Don't you dare talk to me like that'' so I kicked him. As he was on the ground in pain I kept saying ''What you going to do about it, you stupid old man'' and punched him in the face two times.


I took off, took a taxi and spend the night with my boyfriend. Needless to say I really regret it but it's too late now. All my stuff where thrown out and as I was trying to apologize and explain, all I got was a ''get the hell out of my house, forget you even have a father because you're dead to me now''


I've been staying on one of my female friend's house ever since and will eventually pay for my courses (I only received 1/2 scholarship).

Will we ever come to terms and reconcile? I don't know what trigger this reaction from me and didn't mean to hurt him.


Will I ever be forgiven? Help

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If this post is real, and I have my doubts, get counseling asap. You are lucky your father didn't call the cops on you and have you arrested!

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He didn't put his hands on you and you live under his roof, yet you kicked him in the nuts?

So you're 18? So what! You acted like an uncontrolled child. He may forgive you one day because even when they disappoint you it is hard to hate your own child, but I'd be really surprised if he ever helped you or let you live under his roof again.


You're 18 after all so any problem you got is YOUR problem to solve. He was still willing to help you prior to this DESPITE the fact that you're 18 but all you had to offer him was a kick in the nuts. If he doesn't want to help you anymore that is YOUR fault. You're 18 now and he no longer has to help. So be happy miss; you got what you wanted and are now fully responsible for taking care of yourself.

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What's his past record on tolerance and reconcilliation?


I have to admit, kicking him in the nuts and then going in for the coup de grace by chinning him in the face twice, as a follow-through is pretty fundamentally a no-no....


You could try writing him a letter of capitulating apology, but given that you got exactly what you asked for, i see little point in that....


Give it 20 years, he'll get over it.

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You need help. Not only did you kick him in the nuts, you punched him when he was down.


You are obviously too immature to realise the severity of your actions- you are lucky that he didn't have you arrested for assault.


As sally said, you are on your own now, thats what you wanted, you had better learn to deal with it.


Your poor father.

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It was on Wednesday that I had an argument with him. He was driving me crazy with curfews and what guy I'm dating (I just turned 18 last month) so I told him to get the hell out of my life, how it was none of his business. It was proceed by a ''Don't you dare talk to me like that'' so I kicked him. As he was on the ground in pain I kept saying ''What you going to do about it, you stupid old man'' and punched him in the face two times.


I took off, took a taxi and spend the night with my boyfriend. Needless to say I really regret it but it's too late now. All my stuff where thrown out and as I was trying to apologize and explain, all I got was a ''get the hell out of my house, forget you even have a father because you're dead to me now''


I've been staying on one of my female friend's house ever since and will eventually pay for my courses (I only received 1/2 scholarship).

Will we ever come to terms and reconcile? I don't know what trigger this reaction from me and didn't mean to hurt him.


Will I ever be forgiven? Help


That's incredibly upsetting to read. I can't imagine how horrible it would be for someone to be attacked by their own child like that....or how dreadful you must feel to have done that to your father.


All I can say is what I would do if some bizarre red mist had overcome me and I'd attacked my father like that. I would write him a letter telling him how sorry I was and how much I loved him. I would tell him that it wouldn't be possible for me to forget I had a father, but that I would respect his wishes not to contact him further. That I wanted him to know I was going to do everything possible to find out why I had lost my temper like that, and that I was going to do everything in my power to ensure it would never happen again. That in the event that he ever did wish to contact me, that I would always be open to hearing from him - and that despite my horrible actions, I would always love him.


You've only got one father. After what you've done, I think you need to completely open your heart - even if you're 100% sure he won't respond in kind. I don't know if that's bad advice, but I'm pretty much stuck to know what would be logical and sane advice in a situation like this.

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All I can say is what I would do if some bizarre red mist had overcome me and I'd attacked my father like that. I would write him a letter telling him how sorry I was and how much I loved him. I would tell him that it wouldn't be possible for me to forget I had a father, but that I would respect his wishes not to contact him further. That I wanted him to know I was going to do everything possible to find out why I had lost my temper like that, and that I was going to do everything in my power to ensure it would never happen again. That in the event that he ever did wish to contact me, that I would always be open to hearing from him - and that despite my horrible actions, I would always love him.
Thank you. This helps somewhat even though he'll definitely shut the door on me as deserved.

You've only got one father.
I lost him for good because I'm horrible. Nobody knows what I did except my mother, being later on informed by him. She has been trying to reunite us once but to no available. I understand he may never want to see me again nor hear my voice.

I missed him so much. If he ever forgave me, it would be a miracle. I want him to be there if I were to graduate from college one day or walk me through the altar on my wedding day.

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Thank you. This helps somewhat even though he'll definitely shut the door on me as deserved.

I lost him for good because I'm horrible. Nobody knows what I did except my mother, being later on informed by him. She has been trying to reunite us once but to no available. I understand he may never want to see me again nor hear my voice.

I missed him so much. If he ever forgave me, it would be a miracle. I want him to be there if I were to graduate from college one day or walk me through the altar on my wedding day.


I do hope for all your sakes that this can one day be resolved. Parents and children often do have a remarkable capacity for forgiving eachother...but with something as concerning as this extremely violent behaviour, I think you would have to do something really tangible to demonstrate how truly sorry you were. Even if he did forgive you I think you would have to accept that trust was probably always going to be very thin after an incident like that. That nothing could ever be the same as it was before.


Do you have any notion of why you lost control like that? Has anything like that ever happened before?

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That's incredibly upsetting to read. I can't imagine how horrible it would be for someone to be attacked by their own child like that....or how dreadful you must feel to have done that to your father.


All I can say is what I would do if some bizarre red mist had overcome me and I'd attacked my father like that. I would write him a letter telling him how sorry I was and how much I loved him. I would tell him that it wouldn't be possible for me to forget I had a father, but that I would respect his wishes not to contact him further. That I wanted him to know I was going to do everything possible to find out why I had lost my temper like that, and that I was going to do everything in my power to ensure it would never happen again. That in the event that he ever did wish to contact me, that I would always be open to hearing from him - and that despite my horrible actions, I would always love him.


You've only got one father. After what you've done, I think you need to completely open your heart - even if you're 100% sure he won't respond in kind. I don't know if that's bad advice, but I'm pretty much stuck to know what would be logical and sane advice in a situation like this.


Agree, but would add: OP, you should seek anger management and/or counseling in your area. You can probably get at least a few sessions for free through your school, and counselors there may be able to refer you somewhere else for inexpensive treatment. Start looking to book this NOW.


When you write your letter to your father, saying everything Taramere mentions above, add that you have already started anger management courses and therapy.


I can't imagine the hurt of being attacked by my own child, who I have sacrificed so much for :(

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It was on Wednesday that I had an argument with him. He was driving me crazy with curfews and what guy I'm dating (I just turned 18 last month) so I told him to get the hell out of my life, how it was none of his business. It was proceed by a ''Don't you dare talk to me like that'' so I kicked him. As he was on the ground in pain I kept saying ''What you going to do about it, you stupid old man'' and punched him in the face two times.



If feel bad for your father for having such as a daughter like you. What are you, a member of some gang?

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Will I ever be forgiven? Help



Well, you really shouldn't go around kicking your father in the jewels.


But If you want him to forgive you, you should go ask for forgiveness first, (but keep your legs crossed)

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I am glad tohear that you are sorry for what you said and did. BUt I feel that your father must have been very surprised and hurt for what you did to him. I would deal with the consequences of your actions for a while and let you father see you being responsible and respectful maybe by calling or texting or intitiating some sort of contact with him after some time passes. Have you ever been abusive to him in the past? Are you taking any medications or drugs that might have caused you to react in this way?

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