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How to stay sane while wife is making decision?

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What_Next: Thanks man! I am kind of happy too.. in a weird way. Sure, I am sad and would prefer if nothing ever changed and I could continue on the path of life with my wife. It is okay though, at least I know now that she is a c*** - we ALMOST started a family just before she left, so I am glad it didn't go that far.


The lawyer shall do her thing now, I am going to lay low and not do anything that is not necessary. I will find peace quicker that way.


I must say.. divorce papers will be quite the Xmas gift this year for my beautiful wife, haha. Not only is she going to spend this Xmas alone with out family or myself. but she is going to get slammed with divorce papers. Whether she is over me, or still has feelings or not - it won't matter, this will sting no matter what. Not my intent, it is just how it worked out time wise, but unfortunate for her none the less.


One nice thing I heard from a mutual friend of my wife and me.. she told me that my wife had only good things to say about me and did not blame me at all for the current situation. That's nice to hear but I replied back and told her, I honestly don't care what she does or says about me anymore - she is a free woman and can live her life however she wants.. not my problem anymore! :)


Thanks again everyone - I will keep posting as developments come.

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Good for you surfer203, best Christmas present you can get yourself! I'm doing you one better though and getting the actual divorce for Christmas (or at least New Years)... :)


Looking forward to GREAT things in 2011!!

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Eye of Hourus

Better than a lump of coal in her stocking.


Good to see the ball is rolling Surfer!


Can the Marshall serve the papers wrapped is some lovely Christmas paper?


Seriously though, get the paperwork done and start moving forward into your new life in the new year.


The Eye


The one thing women don't want to find in their stockings on Christmas morning is their husband.

Joan Rivers :love:

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not my problem anymore! :)


Remember that thinking as it will help you immensely now and far into the future. Even if you don't feel it in the moment, say it. Many decent people, such as yourself, try to fix problems. Doing that simple exercise helps delay one from trying to fix that which is not within one's domain.


I wish you well with this wretched and necessary process.

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Well.. spoke with the lawyer. She is really nice and professional. She has given me a lot of hope and confidence based on what I told her. Hope things go well.. I will start filling out the papers tomorrow. Wish me luck my friends! :)



Ah, you got a Lady Lawyer, most impressive! If I were the betting type, 10 bucks says she's an absolute knock out, with the smallest tightest little ass showing bikini panty lines that would floor most men! You two hit it off immediately, like you two were meant for each other. Finishing each other's sentences, enjoy the same things, but also having unique differences too. You both agree that discussing things over a candlelight dinner at her place wound be more appropriate. She tells you her payment would be her having sex with you (her on top):bunny:;)ALL NIGHT LONG!;):bunny:


Well, ok, maybe not, it'd never happen, but hey, it sounded good anyway!:p:lmao: J/K:p:lmao:


Never mind me, just trying to live'in things up. I thought perhaps you could use a good laugh, maybe a shower after that one too!:p:lmao:


Seriously, I hope things go very well for you!


P.S. If you're Lawyers a real looker, you go, you Lucky DOG YOU!

Edited by Darth Vader
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Congrats on forward progress. Kind of figured half the debt was part of it. No big deal, she has the other half and I hope you get your house too. Taking the "high road" will serve you well. Stay on it! You will have a great Christmas with family and friends and your STBXW will have the Christmas that she asked for. It really is too bad.

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Thanks everyone.. it feels great to be moving forward. I now have some direction in life again - even if it is movement towards this divorce. I think she will be caught totally off guard - best Xmas gift EVER!


Darth: You are hilarious, I read your post and was smiling ear to ear, hahaha. Again.. I am at work and this has brightened up my day. It is going to be a good day today!


Thanks all!

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hey Darth<what in gods name are u smoking?



You don't want to know! J/K!:p:lmao: Hahaha! I was just lightening the atmosphere for Surfer, he's been through so much lately! I don't blame ya PegNosePete, I want a Lady Lawyer too!:p;)

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Yeah.. I figured a female lawyer could give me some sort of advantage.. shows that I am not a masculine bully in the courtroom. Smart I think!


Thanks for lightening the mood Darth.. you are right, I could certainly use some laughter. Luckily it has been coming back to me a bit and I can joke around and smile again.

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Yeah.. I figured a female lawyer could give me some sort of advantage.. shows that I am not a masculine bully in the courtroom. Smart I think!


Thanks for lightening the mood Darth.. you are right, I could certainly use some laughter. Luckily it has been coming back to me a bit and I can joke around and smile again.



Ok, man, seriously, the Lawyer, is she HOT!?:confused:;)

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Haha.. not in particular. :)



Nah, I didn't figure, Anyway, just follow your Lawyers counsel, after all you're paying for it, best to get the absolute best outcome for you that you can, so if she says, "go for more" or "go for this or that", DO IT!:cool: Even go as far as asking her for her advice as what to go for, or how she would go about doing things if she were going thought this.....

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Good advice Darth.. I will listen to her fully. I plan on letting her do all of the work and communication. I do not want to speak to my wife ever again.. I am to that stage now. Just totally turned off by her as a person.. after what she did, she does not deserve any more of my concern. Her and the OM deserve each other.. two filthy pigs in a blanket.

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Ok, man, seriously, the Lawyer, is she HOT!?:confused:;)


Someone I know has a lady lawyer who, he says, is VERY hot!


He also says, "I can’t talk to her, ever" She won't return calls, etc..


She's already screwed up his case (Social Security benefits) by failing to contact him to go over the evidence with him before the hearing resulting in her presenting the wrong evidence!


So hot may not be good in an attorney.

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Hahaha you guys are hilarious. Any of you live in NY or CT and want to hang out, grab some drniks and pick up some chicks? :) Haha. What the F*** are we all doing wasting our time. Our women left us and they are out having all the fun. Now it is our turn.

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Good points all...also, surfer203, just want to remind you of the mediation route...going to save me lots of $, but BOTH people have to be able to agree on the details to avoid lawyers...AND, you'd have to see her and deal with her again to do that...depends on what it's worth to you and what you can get based on what the lawyer says...

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I would like to do mediation, but I am fearing that my wife is going to turn in to a major b****. So.. the lawyer may be the best route. Plus, I think it may be too difficult to see her in person. Especially if it hasto be more than once.

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You'll have the attorney present to keep things civil. My ex and I used a single attorney to mediate our settlement. Here, things are fairly cut and dried and the lawyer's job was to advise us of what the judge would/would not allow. As long as there is reasonable division of assets, it should go smoothly.

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Hahaha you guys are hilarious. Any of you live in NY or CT and want to hang out, grab some drniks and pick up some chicks? :) Haha. What the F*** are we all doing wasting our time. Our women left us and they are out having all the fun. Now it is our turn.


Sorry, man, not even close. Isn't the entire NE snowed in this time of year anyway?


If you ever find yourself in the dirty south, though, let me know.

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Reasonable division of assets.. hahaha.. she can have a reasonable share of the debt and that is all I am giving her.


iheartboobs: Haha, nah - we only had some minor flurries the other day here. Nothing major yet. In due time we will be covered in the white stuff though.

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surfer, boy do I understand your desire to run out and start dating right away. I remember clearly when I started down that path. Almost every bone in my body was screaming at me that I wasn't ready.


I should have listened, I didn't. I ended up in an ill fated relationship that I wish never happened. Sure it bridged a gap for me, but it was about the worst thing I could have done.


Focus on YOU, you are doing an amazing job! Think about the holidays and what you will be doing for them. Spend some quality time with friends and family and forget about this whole mess.


Keep us posted on what the lawyer does/suggests.

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