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Sleeping over-- why so serious?


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Hi everyone! :) I am 21 and in my first relationship, and it has lasted so far for five weeks. So far so good! We really hit it off, and things are going strong! :love: I was just wondering why my parents would have no problem with me dating a guy and knowing that I was sleeping with him, but it's a huge deal if I sleep over. I have slept over at guys' places three times total, but just once so far with any particular guy. Every time I do, my parents get furious, even if I let them know where I am and that I am safe. I can't understand why sleeping over is such a crime, but everything else is just a-ok (as long as it isn't under their roof)! The sex part doesn't seem to be the issue here, so what is? I personally just enjoy being with him and think it's a really good feeling. It's nice to drift off hand in hand, or snuggled together.


I know that they also discourage me from moving in with a guy in the future before I get married. (I don't plan to do this, but who knows.) Could their discomfort with me sleeping over at my boyfriend's place be related to that? Is it about being too accessible, or an issue of boundaries?

Edited by GooseChaser
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No, this one is a boyfriend! It's very exciting! :D He is 24, has the highest opinion of me, and has given me all kinds of compliments, hehe. He says he's falling head over heels! To be honest, I am too! He's a great guy! :bunny:


I'm no longer getting together with the FWB. We are just friends now. I'm happy with things that way. Him, not so much. Hopefully he learned his lesson about the benefits of commitment. Heh. :p


Yeah, I know I have to respect them and all. Maybe I should talk to them about this and ask why they dislike it so much so I can understand their point of view. Another thing I forgot is that my little brother is unaffected by my jaunts, because he is away at college. He doesn't know a thing about my life right now, and I doubt he knows I have a boyfriend! It's going to be fun introducing them! As for his family, they have no problem with having me over.


Of course I look forward to having a place of my own someday and will work toward that, it is still a ways away. I have very little savings. It's really, really hard to find work for me. I have never had a job before, despite turning in dozens of applications. I plan to start applying more aggressively in the coming weeks, and hopefully I will eventually get hired. From there, I need to work, earn money, save it up, and when I have enough maybe I will rent an apartment. If I don't do that, next fall I will be moving into a college dorm room across the country, so sooner or later I will be moving out. I see it as an adventure! :) I look forward to the future!

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