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my bf and me we broke before 2 month and after 2 weeks he spent the night with the woman. he came back and told me and he felt sorry he doesn't want me to heart he just did it because he felt alone now we are together and it is ok. but he still have contact with her and he is telling me he didn't called her she is the one who is calling and i asked him why he is talking with her wenn she calls and why don't you tell her that we are together but he didn't want to speak about ist he said he realy don't know why is talking with her wenn she calls. But he can't say stop calling me.


So i don't know if it is a right thing to break up because of phone contact. i can call her and say stop but i don't know if it is good. and realy don't know how he feels he shows me disinteresting of her but why he is talking please guys you know more tell me?? Should i call and ask her why she is calling???

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my bf and me we broke before 2 month and after 2 weeks he spent the night with the woman. he came back and told me and he felt sorry he doesn't want me to heart he just did it because he felt alone now we are together and it is ok. but he still have contact with her and he is telling me he didn't called her she is the one who is calling and i asked him why he is talking with her wenn she calls and why don't you tell her that we are together but he didn't want to speak about ist he said he realy don't know why is talking with her wenn she calls. But he can't say stop calling me. So i don't know if it is a right thing to break up because of phone contact. i can call her and say stop but i don't know if it is good. and realy don't know how he feels he shows me disinteresting of her but why he is talking please guys you know more tell me?? Should i call and ask her why she is calling???
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my bf and me we broke before 2 month and after 2 weeks he spent the night with the woman. he came back and told me and he felt sorry he doesn't want me to heart he just did it because he felt alone now we are together and it is ok. but he still have contact with her and he is telling me he didn't called her she is the one who is calling and i asked him why he is talking with her wenn she calls and why don't you tell her that we are together but he didn't want to speak about ist he said he realy don't know why is talking with her wenn she calls. But he can't say stop calling me. So i don't know if it is a right thing to break up because of phone contact. i can call her and say stop but i don't know if it is good. and realy don't know how he feels he shows me disinteresting of her but why he is talking please guys you know more tell me?? Should i call and ask her why she is calling???
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This is the second time you've posted about this matter so it must be really bothering you.


If this lady had not slept with your husband and he had never had anything to do with her other than as a friend, a brief phone call now and then would be fine.


But your boyfriend spent the night with her, had sex with her, and the relationship went way out of the bounds of an acquaintanceship or friendship.


You need to insist that because this lady has intentions that go well beyond friendship and because of their history of sleeping together, having contact with her is not proper and you will not tolerate it if he wants to remain your boyfriend.


If she calls again and he does not ask her to stop calling, then just plain leave him. You can find many other guys. But keep in mind, she can still call him at work or he can call her from a phone booth anytime if he wants. To me, if there is a very important reason the two have to speak, they could at least do it away from where you live.


Be strong here. Love is NOT for sissys. Now, there may be other reasons why you can't leave this guy. If that's the case, you just have to put up with these calls and not say anything about it. But if you are able to leave, you'll get a lot more respect from him because by talking to this lady he is showing you a great deal of inconsideration and lack of respect.

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Hi thanks tony


hi tony i told as that time he wents to her it was over with her and he didn't have sex with her he spent the night with her and having kiss but no sex.He is not the one who is calling she is the one he is like passive answer and he told me he didn't have any thing wenn he talks to her he is telling me he just talk. and he said i don't have to be bothered and there is nothing to be worried.and he told me she is the one who is calling and she knows he told her maybe he wants to try agein with me.i think she is the one who is distirbing shall i call and say to her to stop and she lives 350km far away from where we live. you know i am not sure if it is enough reason to live him. and don't forget i love him i have been 3 years with him.

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Your boyfriend is the one who has to tell her to stop calling. If he talks to her when she calls, she is just encouraging things.


God bless you for believing your boyfriend but it takes one hell of a man to spend the night with a girl and just play cards.


You need to tell your boyfriend to STOP these calls. He has the power to do that.


In most communities, the telephone company offers a service called "Call Block" which enables you to block certain phone numbers from calling your home. Call the phone company, subscribe to this service, and put her on block.


I simply can't help you if every time I give you advice you stick up for your boyfriend and blame it all on this girl. I am telling you...if you boyfriend didn't want these calls, you would hear him tell her; "STOP DIALING MY PHONE, DAMMIT. I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND THIS IS DISREPSECTFUL. SHE DOES NOT WANT YOU TO CALL AND NEITHER DO I...SO PLEASE STOP CALLING. THANK YOU" Now, when you hear your boyfriend say those words, you will be ok.


Good luck with this. The rest is in YOUR hands.

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