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Abuse in relationships


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What do you guys think about abuse in relationships. Men against a woman. Both emotionally and physically. Does the man love a woman he is abusing at all? What is a man thinking and feeling about a woman he is abusing? How much does childhood have to do with an abuser? How big does alcohol play on an abuser?


I need answers to these questions because I see too many women going through this, including myself at a point last year. I also know close male friends or family members who I know to be abusive to their significant other.

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most abusers were abused. thats a fact. but its like saying that most people who were molested cant help but to molest others. at some point, personal responsibility has to step in.


my dad was beat alot as a kid and i talk to my mom alot. she told me other then puching her into the wall once, liek shoving her one time in 40 yrs of marriage....

he has never hit her.


so its up to them to get help. its up to thea abused to stand up for themselves and deserve better

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