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Re: Ex-girlfriend

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She is using you for her convenience. When she's around and needs a handy guy, you are OK!!! When she's having a great time out of the country, you are no longer of use to her.


Don't you get this??? This girl is a USER and you are falling for it. Who is she putting on hold in Europe while she is in the states with you, if you fall for this crap???


There are just too many nice, sweet ladies who would love and care for you whether they were next to you or on the moon to give time to this chick. You can never feel secure with her because her heart is wherever SHE is at the time and NOT wherever YOU are at the time.


Tell her if she gets hard up for somebody to hang out with when she gets back, get on the net, go to a search engine, and type in: Escorts


She is pretty sharp for attempting to make advanced reservations with you. How convenient to contact you when she is ready to return. Isn't that special!!! And she has no regard for the possibility that you may have met someone better than her after she dumped your butt. That would have been pretty easy to do, you know.


YUK!!! This girl makes me sick!!!

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Someone posted a querie to which I replied above. Before I made my reply, they took off their post.


Essentially, a guy had gone with a girl for three years. She went to Europe for the summer, started having a good time, and broke up with him. Now she's coming back home to return to school and wants her guy back...to hang out with.


So that's the story in brief. My reply is pretty self-explantory.


I just didn't want to look like a fool hanging out here with a reply to a non existant problem.

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