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Could this be more, or am I being dumb?

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I am at a loss of what to do at this point.

I have been sleeping with my neighboor for over a month now. We hang out and talk as well as sleep together. He always cuddles with me after sex and straight thru the night, he txts me all the time, when I was sick he brought me orange juice and cuddled with me for 2 nights, he even constantly asks if i'm sleeping with someone else and always questions if im sleeping with my guy friends, he even gets annoyed when I kick him out after sex.

About 2 weeks ago he told me I was amazing and down to earth and that he loved spending time with me but didn't want a gf because his job takes him away for 3 weeks at a time. I told him I didn't want him to be my bf and that to me that would sound like the perfect relationship.

I don't think I'm imagining things or being a dumb girl about all this. I'm at a total loss of what to do or say at this point. I feel like he doesn't have the right to ask if im sleeping with people and get jelous when he is the one stating he doesn't want a gf. I'm not even sure if I want this to be a serious relationship right now I would just love a little insight as to what to do. Not sure if I should say something to him about all of it, or even say that I would like us to be only sleeping with eachother. Someone please help, I'm not sure what to think or even do anymore.

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Thank-you this was helpful. He invited me over to his place tonight and cooked me supper. You response was helpful but leads me to another couple questions. At what point do you have the talk and how do you go about it and what should you even ask. This is my 1st situation like this and i'm playing the I don't care card and really don't know how to have any serious "where are we headed" conversation.

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