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What is True Love?

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I think it involves 5 aspects of human nature.








The couple of times I thought I was in love, I never had all 5.


Physical love is affection and touch and a lot of chemistry that makes all that possible. I can't touch or kiss just anyone. In fact, except for my lover I'm usually not a touchy person. I wish I were and think this is part of the Law of Attraction necessity. If anyone has ideas how to open up more physically I would be interested.


Spiritual love would involve similar morals and values. This is the soul of the relationship.


Sexual love... well, we all know what that consists of, and it should be quite passionate, but so many of us have only experienced sexual love and think thats what 'being in love is'. I know I've made this mistake.


Emotional love would be depending and needing and hearts working together rather than opposite. This is probably the friendship of the lovers. This is the compassionate and understanding parts.


Mental love should how we have some common interests and goals in life. Do we want to live in the city or country? Do we want children or pets? This is the verbal part of the relationship.



I think my goal will be to find that person that has all 5 pieces, and not only 2 or 3 parts of a whole.


Do you think that is what true love is? Have I missed anything?

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"Do you think that is what true love is? Have I missed anything?"


Sorry, Dude, but you've missed it. True love cannot be dissected or analyzed. True love cannot be defined. True love cannot be described. It can only be felt. Once you feel it, you will never have to write this kind of post. Hope you arrive there soon!!!

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I think you've done a great job of describing five very important aspects of romantic love. But I've never considered 'romantic love' to be true or perfect in its nature because it is so 'conditional.'


To me, the purest (or truest) form of love is that which a parent has for a child. It comes without conditions, hard work, compromises or expectations. Nor does it require any of the five aspects listed above. It's unfaltering, unwavering and everlasting.


It just simply *IS*... :love:

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You might just be horny? You feel that. Lust versus love.


If you think you are "in love", you should be able to go down that list and check off each topic. Otherwise, couldn't it be infatuation instead of love?


So many times our hearts do not agree with our heads.


(and I agree about the child/parent love being the only true unconditional love, although that can be tested with a troubled kid.)

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The thing about parental love is that it involves two separate roles, one above the other, so it's a bit easier to pull off, do you get what I'm saying?

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"But Tony...


You might just be horny? You feel that. Lust versus love.


If you think you are "in love", you should be able to go down that list and check off each topic. Otherwise, couldn't it be infatuation instead of love?


Wrong again. True love transcends all you have set forth in your list. True love goes on if a person becomes debilitated and is unable to have sex. True love goes on if the person isn't always available. True love is an inexplicable feeling that one person has for another, a longing, a caring, that is probably most closely alligned with a spiritual experience...where two souls are joined and live in union on a level far different than any we normally see.


I don't think many people experience true love. I think most people are unhappy if their needs aren't being met. When two people are together who love each other but have requirements of each other, that's a loving business agreement or partnership but it falls short of what I believe to be true love.


I am talking about romantic love here. The love of parent for child is a whole different topic. The love we have for God is a whole different topic. The love we have for family is different as well. I'm talking about true love for another person in which the drive to bond and be with that person is so mutually overwhelming that the fire department has to stand by in case other things around them catch fire.


True love doesn't happen often. Most people are way too eager to hump each other and less eager to experience true love.

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I don't think I have ever experienced "true love", as Tony describes. :(

Although, I'm very aware of unconditional love for my child.


Having a hard time separating "infatuation" from "true love". What is infatuation then? It seems to me that whenever I feel everything on this list I am infatuated by this person, as well. ??? Because I feel all of these wonderful things, I am infatuated.


Does that make any sense? Are some of us only capable of imature love? Is "infatuational" (is this a word? :)) love imature love?


This is confusing me. :)

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just compare the love for your mother ( if u a man ) and the love for your father ( if u a waman ) compared to your 'love' for a girlfriend or spouse!


most aren't infatuated with parents yet their love for them is definately there in most cases


infatuation dies while love persists



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I believe romance is an illusion because it is like a magic trick performed by a good magician. As long as she thinks there is something magical about it, she will be fooled every time.


Here is a better question. Why do so many women obsess over the idea of true love or love in general? Ladies, are you trying to live up to what you think is society’s expectation? Is the biological need to procreate that strong?



Infatuation is an erotic sexual fantasy. This is just hormones at work, and it will fade away in about 3 months.

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a wise man once told me...


look son you will never find a woman who will love you as much as your mother




how true

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A magician can create the illusion of a person being levitated or cut in half. Maybe, in a childlike way, the audience wants to believe the magician has that kind of power.

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It's unfortunate that you're so bitter. You will spoil all your chances of ever experiencing the sort of love Tony describes if you don't do something about clearing all that bitterness out of your system. It does exist, make no mistake. It's not lust or magic or anything stupid at all. But you have to be perpared to risk your whole self to experience it and hiding behind a wall of anger won't get you there.

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Pretty scary putting your wholeself on the line for the experience of true love. Takes time to really get to that point and away from just 'romantic' love too. But a worthwhile effort. :)

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