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i cheated on my boyfriend with his best friend. we were friends too but it just ended up happening. we had a ton of fun and obviously we never fought cause neither of us are like that. we were so good together but we knew that we could never date cause we both are the kind of people that like everyone else to be happy. i got married to my boyfriend and we have a daughter. we got pregnat 6 months after we got married so its not like we had to get married. we me and the friend obviously stopped hanging out but it was never really ended we jsut stopped hanging out. so i stil have some residual feelings. or at least i do and i need to stop it. i jsut cant help it. whenever me and my husband fight... which is not often but every once in a while we fight, we are just human... but when we do i go to my happy place which is the park that i always met the friend at. we hang out alot since the friend is obviously our friend and whenever we do its always akward if we are alone. usually my daughter is with but we both just kinda sit there and stare at eachother. so i think that he still kinda has some feeling too. obviously we would never act on our feeling cause we both love my husband but i jsut feel bad.

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You engaged in a double betrayal on your husband. Does he really deserve this? How would you feel if every time you got into an argument with your husband he immediately went off to meet your best girlfriend who he cheated on you with behind your back? You are married and have a daughter. Do you love your husband? Thing don't just happen and you ended up having sex. It was a choice. It is sad that you did not even have the decency to be honest with your husband before your got married. You and your so-called husband best friend has and continue to play your husband as a complete fool. You continue to engage in disrespectful and humiliating behavior toward your husband.


Your husband has a right to know what you have been doing and he has a right to know that his friend is no friend. It is so wrong for you to do this to your husband. Either you have a marriage based on trust and honesty or lies and deceit. It seems clear which one you have chosen. You have and continue to engage in humiliation and disrespect to your husband. Your husband deserve to know the truth so he can make decisions about his life also. It is not just all about you. You sound way too immature to have ever gotten married. Please try a new concept called honesty for your husband. It is the very least he deserves from you. I wish you luck.

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i thought i mentioned it but my husbands knows about what we did. i told him before we were engaged


How did that guy marry you after knowing that?? insane.....


What a best friend... ????? I hope your H's not still having him around as a friend.


It doesnt mean the cheating you did was right nor it means cheating your doing now is right. Simply you dont love him, you two are making his like a joke. Seems to me you married him because of the kid, he could be your safe housel.


Your H should have done a paternity test to make sure your daughter is his too....


Anyway, if you really respect him as a human being,you should tell him what's happening now, and let him decide what to do.


This is what happens if you marry a cheater or decide to stay with a cheater. They will do it again and again and blame you for their crime. I hope people learns !!!

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i thought i mentioned it but my husbands knows about what we did. i told him before we were engaged

..........oops clicked twice

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