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How should i react?

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How should I react?

My boyfriend has decided to move out of his mother house into a town house that he found and really liked! When he took me to the town house to show me, all I had was horrible things to say about it! He told me I should be happy for him and encouraging!


All I can think about is the money and time he is going to have to put in this place! All he owns is his car, bed, computer and desk! That’s it! The place is bare, nothing in it and it is going to be this way for alone time I have a feeling! The town house will take a little over half of his income every month!


He has already signed for the place so.... I guess he's renting it, but all I can think about is how he is going to screw up and not have enough for rent and bills. He has never had this much responsibility! How do I over come being so pissy at him when I know this was a bad idea?!


Should I just over look it and pray he gets money for rent and can handle being on his own or what? I have no clue what to say or tell him about the place and I really can not be happy I hate the place! I am worried it will hurt us with me being so negative about it and everything! I have told him what I thought..... Well sorta I can't exactly tell him everything that I hate about it! I think it would really hurt him! But I did tell him how much I was against it! He just told me to stop and be happy! I don't know how to react or what to say when I feel this way about it!

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Wow! You seem to think you know what is best for him.


He is growing up and moving ahead in his life - I think that is great. He didn't rent the place for YOU! He got it for himself. Be happy for him. Be supportive of him. Buy him a housewarming gift. Or dump him and find someone who still lives at home or has more money. Or someone you can control and dictate to.


If my gf had acted that way when I first moved out - she would have been gone too.



Its his first place! This is a time for celebration! My first purchase when I moved out was a can of Raid because I couldn't afford much for my first apartment! :) But it was MINE and that is all that mattered. I sat on the floor for a long time and had lots of milk-crate furniture!

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Its not his first place! he has moved out once already before, before we were together! he could pay the rent the to his apartment so he went back home! i'm worried this time it'll happen again and his parents told him this time he was not coming back so where will he go then if he does it again?! I love him to death i just want the best for him!

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