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Traveled for a love interest/friend, but things are disasterous

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I traveled a few days ago to see a friend/potential love interest in Hungary. Actually, it was someone who was interested in me, sort of and flirted with me. He's a friend of mine from about a year and a half ago. To come here, he paid for my ticket, and said he was going to treat me like a princess and spend all his time with me. I got here, and the first day and a half was a amazing. He was sweet and generous and caring to me. We were going to see if our friendship would progress into a relationship. To come here, I had to really sneak, and even my family or my friends don't know truly who I'm staying with. Ya, it's stupid, but I trusted this guy.


So, he and I hugged and cuddled and were romantic. Once we started kissing...and he accidentally slipped..."I love you" in there, things immediately went sour. He then stopped...jumped up and freaked out. Then he started confessing stuff to me. He said that he had a gf, from his country...that he has known for 8 years. But in those 8 years, he has had like 5 relationships, cheating on her....and also flirting with other girls at the club, and doing really bad things.


Then he told me....you are a good girl...I don't want to hurt you. He could sleep with me, touch me whatever, but he'd be playing with me. And he said, he respects me too much to do that. So now...yes...i know he did me a favor....there is this awkwardness...no close friendly feeling, and no emotion, no romance nothing. Just he and I on separate computers chatting on Facebook.


He know is confessing his love for this girl that he has known for 8 years, because she keeps forgiving him for his cheating. She forgave him 3 times, but she doesn't know about the others. So he tells me, he knows I want love and marriage....and he can't give it to me. Ok, I see that, and whatever.


But my question is.....how can someone like him....deserve a chance to get what he wants, and to just pass me off bring me to this country I know nothing about, get me to trust him, and then tell me, well, I'm in love with this girl....and now he is cold with me!! What am I supposed to do?! I tried to talk to him and give him my point of view. I didn't come to this country, because I wanted to see it, I came just for him. I'm a pretty shy person, and it's hard for me to go out and meet new people easily. And now, I'm being treated like the good little girl, that for being good, is kicked around and out the door! How can he encourage me to travel here with all these promises and just play me as a fool. And he doesn't get it...and is now deciding to be faithful to the girl....who he didn't give 2 (you know what) about for all these years?


I'm stuck here, I don't understand the language, and I still have 6 more days. I am also staying at his place. I don't have enough money to get a hotel...so I can't leave. This vacation was not what I expected...and I am very disappointed and I want to cry.


What do you all think?


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I think you should pack up your things and get out of there right now. Take your ticket and go home. You should be able to change your ticket to the next available transport without much difficulty.


Sadly, this guy did you a favor by not screwing around with you more than he already has. You did a foolish and dangerous thing. Get out while you can.

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Hi OP, my sympathies.


When you say he 'paid' for your airline ticket, does that mean it's a revenue ticket? I ask because the rules for changes to a revenue ticket are different than an award ticket, which is one paid for with airline currency (miles).


Is there a family member or friend who you can call for help?


How much money is immediately available to you?


I would ask him, in light of his revelations, that he assist you in getting home earlier. All he can do is say no.


I'll be happy to help with the airline issues if I have more information. Good luck :)

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**** girl, I would cry


What a crazy ass trip, thats a story your gonna have for the rest of your life, its sour now, but he better ****ing man up and start treating you as friend, with his scheming weak sorry ass.


He better tell you he is sorry too for his complete lack of decency.

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Well, update: I managed to scrape up some money from some friends to get myself home. I am leaving after a few hours. Still...my heart is soooo broken that I was treated sooo badly. I had to compete with a Blackberry phone, which he wouldn't leave for 1 second. The guy wouldn't even walk beside me, let alone have a decent conversation.


He honestly thinks he is now being faithful to this girl. If there is any justice in this world, I just have to ask....God to let what goes around come around right back to him! Really, I've never been treated so badly and disrespectfully in my life. He is in the room now, chatting with this girl...I'm leaving...he isn't even sitting with me or talking with me or anything. Doesn't he see how terrible of a person he is? Why doesn't he suffer pain and punishment? Why am I being punished when I did absolutely nothing wrong?


Yes, I'm leaving....but just hurt that this has to be in my memories. It's not a pleasant one.

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What a creep. I know it feels 100% horrible now, but I bet you'd feel even worse if he had not confessed and you'd slept with him.


It probably seems right now like he holds all the cards, but I assure you that a person who comports himself like this is making all kinds of misery for himself.

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