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Maybe? or not :(

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When you ask a girl out, does maybe always mean no? cause i get so worried every time i hear one and i dunno what to believe. Do they just want to think about it or is that supposed to be a nice way to say no?

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"Do they just want to think about it or is that supposed to be a nice way to say no?"



It's not an outright no, but for some it means "I guess so, if nothing better comes along."

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Originally posted by Jim24

Its better than a reponse that gets one's hopes up....


Why would maybe get your hopes up? Why would you want to be something she could "think over"?


Anyway, it's easy to string one along, but hard to reject someone.

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Originally posted by Jim24

What is exactly is the problem with just saying no? Its better than a reponse that gets one's hopes up....


I dont think they intend to do that to someone, but you know...sometimes it's hard to simply say "no" cause they dont want to hurt the other's feelings.


maybe or any other excuse is always the best bet that someone is not interested and saying "no"


such as you call this girl out for a date, and she says she's busy for the days u offered her, and she doesnt give you a counter-offer, usually it means they're not interested or "no".


if they DO give you a counter offer to get together another day, then it usually means they do want to get together and are truthfully busy those days.

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