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What's the longest time you have been apart from your SO?

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I am sure this has been asked on here lots in the past...but I am interested. It is likely that me and my GF wont see each other for another 3-4 months. It seems like an insane amount of time but I would be interested t make comparisons.



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6 months. It almost became 1 year due to certain administration issues but fortunately we managed to solve that.


I know a poster, IG, who hasn't been around for a while. I think she went over a year without seeing her (now-ex) husband before.

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Well let's see, for me the longest so far has been 4 months and the shortest 3 months. But like folieadeux said, time flies by. Well for me it does up until the last month and/or weeks. Then I start staring at the calendar and clock which makes time go by sooooo slow.

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la vie est belle

We've only been LD for 6.5 months and we've seen each other once.


The first time we saw each other it was just under 2 months.


Now it's been exactly 3 months and 1 day since we've seen each other, don't even know when the next time will be either... he's in France I'm in California. :-(

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3 months 3 weeks. I go crazy with that, I try to see him every 2.5 months or so. If he is deployed then I'll understand and suck it up.

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Well, I might hold the record for distance apart but some of you guys have it really rough in terms of time. :eek:


This current period is the longest we've been apart at 14 weeks (3 1/2 months) and it's been h*ll!!! Back together in 6 days though :bunny: and we usually get at least 3 weeks together each time.


For those who don't rememember her, Island Girl was in an LDR for nearly seven years (I think that's right?) and I'm pretty sure she had a period of two or even three years when they couldn't see each other! (You may know better than I do Elswyth but that was my understanding anyway). Personally, I would have gone insane. :eek:

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Citizen Erased

We weren't official as yet but from October 2009 - March 2010 was the longest. Then we saw each other in June. I haven't seen him since July either...I think that given we're approx. 9500 miles from each other, that's pretty damn good actually that we've managed what we have. It kinda makes me incredibly envious of people that are complaining about their $400 plane tickets. :rolleyes::p Be thankful people!

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2 months, I'm so lucky compared to many of you! My ex went a year without seeing his ex, I said I'm not sure I could do that and he said love gets you through, and it's worth it cos you'll know you be together at the end of it. Still not sure I could do it though :(

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It kinda makes me incredibly envious of people that are complaining about their $400 plane tickets.


Tell me about it CE!!! :D

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Citizen Erased
Tell me about it CE!!! :D


I could have gone to see him 10 times if that was the amount I was paying. Instead, it was two. :laugh:

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I could have gone to see him 10 times if that was the amount I was paying. Instead, it was two. :laugh:


At that price, we could have seen each other every other weekend over the past twelve months instead of just four trips!!! Mind you, the jet lag would have been a bit of a killer! :laugh:

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For those who don't rememember her, Island Girl was in an LDR for nearly seven years (I think that's right?) and I'm pretty sure she had a period of two or even three years when they couldn't see each other! (You may know better than I do Elswyth but that was my understanding anyway). Personally, I would have gone insane. :eek:


Hee, I'm really not sure how long it was either. I just know it was definitely longer than 1 year, but not sure whether it was 2 or 3.

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I'm 90% sure it was 3 years. They were married for 7 before it ended. She and I used to talk on Yahoo messenger and facebook before the meltdown, but after that she just kind of dropped off the face of the planet. I don't blame her. After something like that I'd probably want to get away from everything that reminded me of it too.


As for the Original Post, the longest Mathew and I have EVER gone is 4 years, but that was when we were broken up and it's a huge long story. But once we got back together the longest was 3 months.

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I agree people should not complain about 400 air tickets! nor should people complain about spending mere weeks apart! although i know a day apart can feel like hell...

I will be spending a total of 10 months every year away from my bf, with only 2 months in summer to look forward to(since we are both overseas studying). It's like you wait over 300 days just to spend 8 weeks together! its excruciating!!

the only up side is that we live in the same country and we both intend to return home after our studies. but its difficult because going home once a year makes me feel torn...torn between family, friends and him! Have to figure out the best way to fuel up on all that i'll be missing when i leave.

I think for me its not too bad, because I dont have a choice! I don't get Christmas break only 3 weeks off school in the end of January and it doesnt make much sense to spend 2000usd & travel for 22 hours! but i think its hard for my bf, i feel sorry for him...since he gets to go home for Christmas and his school ends in May while mine goes on til June! it probably feels empty :(

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longest was 4 months and we prommised eachother thats gonna stay "the longest"

now i just got back home an i'm not intending on staying longer than a month, 2 at longest.

but yeah, i'm not complainig, we have regular pretty cheap flights -if you book them in advance (they're shorter and cheaper than bus from the airport to his - that i'm gonna complain about! just hilariously expensive and lasts for 5hours...) and we both have enough time to see eachother :) not that bad at all ;)

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7 months.


..never again. i mean hell, we live five hours away from one another.


9 months...never again for me too.

Took us 9 months since we started dating to get our **** together to start visits.


4 months was the longest in between so far.

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