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what is the name of the orginazation that has materials for A.A. ETC?

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does anyone know what i am talking about? it is like a mail order place and you order books, pamphlets, etcs. about coda, na, aa etc. does anyone know? please help, if you do. thank you.

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You know, Internet search engines have come a long way. In just 90 seconds, I was able to find eight sites on Alcoholic Annonymous , Codependents Annonymous, Narcotics Annonymous, etc. And each site had links to books, some you could even read online.


I used the www.yahoo.com seach engine. It is terrific. In just seconds, you will find everything you need. If you don't care to bother, just go to:




Copy and paste this address into your browser. You will find links to all kinds of publications you ask for. Each site also has toll free numbers you can call for free literature and to purchase books. There are even some books that you can read right online.


With the Internet, there is no reason why any question you have can't be answered in a matter of minutes. Pretty scary considering how many crazies out there would like to build nuclear weapons.

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Geesh! I'm *days* behind with messages...


There are links to AA and other 12-step programs in the LoveShack.org Links section. Sorry I didn't respond sooner, but I've been beta testing the new LoveTalk... more news to come! :)


Best wishes,



You know, Internet search engines have come a long way. In just 90 seconds, I was able to find eight sites on Alcoholic Annonymous , Codependents Annonymous, Narcotics Annonymous, etc. And each site had links to books, some you could even read online. I used the www.yahoo.com seach engine. It is terrific. In just seconds, you will find everything you need. If you don't care to bother, just go to: http://www.geocities.com/raymondsroost/LINKS-NAAA.HTM


Copy and paste this address into your browser. You will find links to all kinds of publications you ask for. Each site also has toll free numbers you can call for free literature and to purchase books. There are even some books that you can read right online. With the Internet, there is no reason why any question you have can't be answered in a matter of minutes. Pretty scary considering how many crazies out there would like to build nuclear weapons.

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