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How do you usually answer this interview question?

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It really depends on the circumstances so it's a bit difficult to generalise, but my take on it is usually to outline a few different scenarios, something along the lines of "I have many different professional goals I want to achieve. Firstly, I am interested in gaining knowledge/skills/experience in area X (then outline potential trajectory). I am also interested in Y because of (additional info).." and then, depending a bit on the context, I might add a third alternative. In the process, I try to illustrate that I'm ambitious, that I can set myself multiple goals and work towards them, and that I have a range of skills/knowledge sets that I am interested in developing further. Depending on the interview situation, I will emphasise/talk more about the options that are closer to the job I am applying for.

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The problem is how to know what does the employer mean by this question, and how he will use your answer to determine the characteristics of your personality??!!


Well, it depends on the context but here are some possibilities

- they want to know if you're ambitious and goal oriented

- they want to know if you have a particular career trajectory in mind

- they want to see if you know how to strategise towards a given goal

- they want to know if your interests are aligned with theirs in terms of substantive orientations and career development

- they want to know if you're going to jump ship as soon as you get something better (especially if you seem over qualified)

- they don't really have a good reason but just ask because it's a standard interview question :rolleyes:

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jean-luc sisko
Where do you see yourself in five years?


I love this question if I'm discussing it with my friends but hate it in an interview. It's a trick because it can be used to find out if you plan on moving on to greener pastures eventually or if you will be trying to vie for someone's job above you. Or they could actually be looking for someone ambitious.


For me, I HAVE NO FREAKIN' IDEA where I will be in five years. At 41, I've learned that plans don't actually pan out (thank you John Lennon). My life plans didn't include moving across the country, being divorced, not having kids or being in the job I'm in. Which doesn't mean I didn't set goals. Life happened.


The truth is I'm done planning my life especially five years ahead. Please. So much can happen and change in five years that I'm on the living day to day plan. But that doesn't really sound right in interview land.


Where do you see yourself in five years?


Tell a lie, albeit based on a current ambition/plan you have.


Interviewers expect lies. And in truth, there is no way for them to verify it (unless it is qualifications-based).

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Tell a lie, albeit based on a current ambition/plan you have.


Interviewers expect lies. And in truth, there is no way for them to verify it (unless it is qualifications-based).


I would think some interviewers are also experienced. Perhaps the question is even meaningless. But if I lost a job - I would rather it be for telling the truth about my life, rathing than making up a story, or using someone elses story.

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I would point to the bosses chair ( hopefully the man interviewing me ) and say " I hope to be sitting in YOUR chair in 5 years ". :rolleyes:

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My father is 70 and still applying for consulting jobs, he asked me, " honestly, what do you tell them when they ask where you'd like to be in 10 years.... Alive!"

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My father is 70 and still applying for consulting jobs, he asked me, " honestly, what do you tell them when they ask where you'd like to be in 10 years.... Alive!"


haha ! :):lmao:

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I do recruiting and that is the last question we ask, where do you see yourself in five years or what is your five year plan.


What do we want to see/hear? There really isn't any set answer. We want to hear an honest one. We have heard that someone wants to be in the next position higher than they are applying for, that they want to be in the current position but handling a more challenging responsiblity, etc, that they hope to be retired.


What I don't want to hear is some unrealistic expectations, being the President of the Company or something equivalent that means they are just speaking to speak; taking the process seriously.


It is not one of our more pivotal questions but it gives us a little more insight on the person.

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My father is 70 and still applying for consulting jobs, he asked me, " honestly, what do you tell them when they ask where you'd like to be in 10 years.... Alive!"


And I have had someone say this, lol, it is a very valid answer. :D

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