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punch in the stomach' feeling

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I have a q,


I'm well over my last relationship with this woman i've been seeing since December and haven't contacted her, despite the fact that I have feelings for her, whatever-point is I don't waste my time on her, whats done is done, this is break up number 1,003,994 you eventually don't give a crap for vaccous 'sex in the city' type city girls who break up with any guy who isn't a trust fund baby whateva


My question is, that she is in my social network of friends, and very soon I will be seeing her amongst my friends at a bar/lounge here in the city, am I being an idiot by avoiding seeing my friends because Im not ready to see her face right now? by making alternate plans etc......


If i see her i get 'this punch in the stomach' feeling and usually hail a cab and go somewhere else to get her off my mind. What do you guys think? Ridiculous ?

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Well, either you try for your own 'desensitization therapy', meaning that you stay where she is longer each time until the 'punch in the stomach' feeling subsides, or else you might want to hide out and avoid it.


You know what you can endure; make your decision based on how fragile you feel. Your friends will likely understand if you tell them you are just not up to going.

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