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How would you sweep her off her feet??

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My friend and I have finally started to get closer in our re;ationship, but i dunno how to take it to the next step. I know she must be interested, since she tells others that like her she's playing the field, but hse has never said that to me...Anyways how would i go about thorugh actions and words to tell her that i love her???

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The safest way is to take the indirect approach. Let her know that you are quite fond of her and admire her many great qualities and value her friendship. Tell her that if anytime in the future she might be inclined to upgrade the friendship to something more, you would be open to that. Then just be quiet and see what her reaction is. If it isn't positive, never bring it up again. If it is positive, then discuss it with her.


But I will tell you right now. If you are totally available to her, totally predictable, are in no way a challenge to her, always there when she needs you, take her calls every time or quickly return her messages, etc., she will not find you so desireable as dating material. Ladies want a challenge in a mate, someone they have to work for. They want mystery. You learn the art of that and you can have most any lady you want.


So if you are a smart man, you can have her by following the directions outlined above. If not, well.....

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billy the kid

well personally I would follow Tony's advice, except I would do something origional, romantic and different first, or really just let her know your fond of her in an uncoventional way then I would follow Tony's advice to the "T"... no pun intended.. need some ideas let me know..

The safest way is to take the indirect approach. Let her know that you are quite fond of her and admire her many great qualities and value her friendship. Tell her that if anytime in the future she might be inclined to upgrade the friendship to something more, you would be open to that. Then just be quiet and see what her reaction is. If it isn't positive, never bring it up again. If it is positive, then discuss it with her. But I will tell you right now. If you are totally available to her, totally predictable, are in no way a challenge to her, always there when she needs you, take her calls every time or quickly return her messages, etc., she will not find you so desireable as dating material. Ladies want a challenge in a mate, someone they have to work for. They want mystery. You learn the art of that and you can have most any lady you want. So if you are a smart man, you can have her by following the directions outlined above. If not, well.....
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