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Will I Ever Find Her?

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Divorced for 2 years and broke up w/fiance 3 months ago. Now I can't find anyone I'm interested in....tried single clubs, the net, bars, etc. I feel I made a mistake by splitting w/fiance but she was selfish & controlling. I don't understand why I can't find Miss Right...I'm an attractive man with good qualities and a great dad. My ex wife just had her boyfriend break up with her and finds a wonderful man in 3 weeks. I feel like I'm destined to be alone....I don't get. My fiance had a look like Meg Ryan and all I'm finding now are Rosanne's where are all the pretty nice ladies. I know the old saying don't look for love it will find you when you least expect it but I'm starting to doubt it. Maybe I should have just stayed with my fiance even though she was insecure....heck at least she was pleasant on the eyes and great in bed....I'm so lonely....help!!!!!

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You will NEVER, NEVER, EVER, EVER find anyone if you are in a desperate mode. Women can sense that a mile away and they are repulsed by it. So get yourself together!!!


You gave yourself away when you suggested you should have stayed with your fiance, even though she was insecure, selfish and controlling. You have got to be nuts. You should be proud as hell of yourself for dumping somebody like that. You've already suffered enough. Why put yourself through more. Being married to somebody like that could make your life worse that hell. Consider yourself lucky.


There are a lot of very sweet ladies out there, though we do live in times when the greater number of people are selfish, inconsiderate, self centered, and many even downright dishonest. But if you will be open, patient, and just get out there amongst the people, you will find many great ladies for yourself. Again, if you give off vibrations that you are so desperate you will settle for anything as long as it looks nice, you are destined to be the most miserable man on the planet. Just cool your jets. A little bit of down time won't kill you. There are millions of people who would absolutely LOVE to be where you are with the ability to use what they know to find someone truly great for them.


There are hundreds of matching and dating services on the Internet that can help you find attractive ladies in your town. Yep, you will have to go through some duds to find the right one...but it can be done. Go to: www.match.com You can get a free 10 day membership. Most of the major search engines have matching services. Also use the search engines to find others. Go to America Online's digital cities personals, with photos. If you don't have America Online, you can access the photo personals through www.netscape.com (owned by the same people).


You just better change your attitude to a more positive one...and not be willing to settle on some sorry excuse of a human because you are lonely. The absolute worst, most devastating case of loneliness is NOT NEARLY as bad as a bad relationship.


So get yourself together, run around the block ten times, take a really cold shower, and get off to a brand new start and a brand new attitude. And STOP feeling sorry for yourself!!!

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Thanks for the pep talk you are right just in a funk and seeing all my friends and ex with someone gets me down but I have much to be thankful for...great kids, career and my health I just want to share it with someone!!!

You will NEVER, NEVER, EVER, EVER find anyone if you are in a desperate mode. Women can sense that a mile away and they are repulsed by it. So get yourself together!!! You gave yourself away when you suggested you should have stayed with your fiance, even though she was insecure, selfish and controlling. You have got to be nuts. You should be proud as hell of yourself for dumping somebody like that. You've already suffered enough. Why put yourself through more. Being married to somebody like that could make your life worse that hell. Consider yourself lucky. There are a lot of very sweet ladies out there, though we do live in times when the greater number of people are selfish, inconsiderate, self centered, and many even downright dishonest. But if you will be open, patient, and just get out there amongst the people, you will find many great ladies for yourself. Again, if you give off vibrations that you are so desperate you will settle for anything as long as it looks nice, you are destined to be the most miserable man on the planet. Just cool your jets. A little bit of down time won't kill you. There are millions of people who would absolutely LOVE to be where you are with the ability to use what they know to find someone truly great for them. There are hundreds of matching and dating services on the Internet that can help you find attractive ladies in your town. Yep, you will have to go through some duds to find the right one...but it can be done. Go to: www.match.com You can get a free 10 day membership. Most of the major search engines have matching services. Also use the search engines to find others. Go to America Online's digital cities personals, with photos. If you don't have America Online, you can access the photo personals through www.netscape.com (owned by the same people). You just better change your attitude to a more positive one...and not be willing to settle on some sorry excuse of a human because you are lonely. The absolute worst, most devastating case of loneliness is NOT NEARLY as bad as a bad relationship.


So get yourself together, run around the block ten times, take a really cold shower, and get off to a brand new start and a brand new attitude. And STOP feeling sorry for yourself!!!

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