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Confidence..NOT here:(

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tell me the secret of how to create confidence???


cos baby when i look at myself...i just cant seem to feel okay...


and here i am wearing the shortest skirt, changing my hair color, and adding all this eye makeup..just to feel okay...


but does it help????


No...lemme tell u it dont..cos its all a fake..and u can see right through me....


cos even though i may look glam sometimes...


i still tend to look down when i walk...


and look away when a boy stares...


cos no matter what i just dont feel like enough...

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Don't create the illusion of someone that you're not, you never know who will fall in love with the person that you are.

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What you need to do is find ways of accepting oneself and not care about what others might think of you. I agree with Dryer, don't make yourself into something your not. You are how you are and yes, you can work on sometimes about yourself just like all of us can, but you have to work on it, and do it because it feels good to you and not because you are trying to be accepted by others.


Wow, I should take my own advice and know that it is hard, but you need to learn how to feel comfortable with yourself and your body image for others to accept you and really get to know the real you.

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