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Hi everyone,


I need to know what I should do; if I should do anything at all.


A few weeks ago I searched for guys on the net, I picked one who sounded interesting. On his profile, he described himself, what kind of girl he was looking for,a nd his interests. I am a very shy perosn, but I decided to give it a try and sent him an email.


The following weeks we sent emails and pictures to each other and we agreed to meet upon his return from vacation. He did not contact me when he said he would be back, so I waited for a week and sent him an email asking if he would still like o meet, and he immediately answered asking me to call him over the phone. We talked about meeting that same night only if his and mine plans did not go through. for the next two days we missed each other over the phone and left messages. The last time I heard from him, my sister answered the phone; he thought it was me who answered and my sister just said I wasn't there, she says he sounded confused as if he thought I was the one who answered and just wouldn't talk to him. I called him right away and he didn't answered the phone. On my message I said "my sister said you just call, I'll be around for the rest of the aftrenoon, call me back". Well, he hasn't, I called back a few days later and left him another message just saying hello and to call me so we could make plans to meet. It's been several days and he hasn't called back.


I am tired of speculating and wandering what happened. My question is, Should I call him again? Should I explain it was not me who answered the phone that day? Or should I just forget it?


I am on my 30s as is he, so in a way it puzzles me that he would think I would do such thing as to deny myself over the phone when he called.


I will appreciate any input you can give me.


Thank you.

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If you are in your 30's, you should know by now not to put so much energy into stuff like this. Life is simply too short.


If the guy is so superficial, has such a low intellect, is so paranoid, and is starting out with such a low regard for you that he would think that you would pull such a prank, he certainly isn't worth thinking around for one more second.


If, on the other hand, he has been out of town and has not gotten your messages...or if his message machine is broken, that's another story. He may also have serious rejection issues and may have gone through such exchanges with other ladies who were deceiving him and thinks you are doing the same. Until a person meets you in person and gets to know you, you really have to be very careful about everything. Get a separate phone line at home for your personal calls and TELL YOUR SISTER NOT TO ANSWER IT!!! However, I think the fact that you did call him back should be proof you aren't trying to avoid him. But who the hell knows what goes on in people's minds???


There are some excellent people who post ads on the Internet and I encourage you to continue your quest through this method. I know personally of several people who met their lifetime mates this way and they are VERY happy.


If this guy actually thought you were the one that answered the phone, you are very lucky to find out so early in the game just how shallow and ignorant he is. Dump him in advance and proceed on. There is really not enough time in life to obsess about whether or not some stranger off the Internet is going to call back.

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billy the kid

he honeatly sounds pretty wishie washie to me I would look for some one who is more, well more there... I mean If I said I would call I would at least call and say I had retought things, and not just leave you hanging....there are literaly so many fish out in the sea throw out your hook again and see if you get a bite that doesn't nibble but swollows and runs with it.....

If you are in your 30's, you should know by now not to put so much energy into stuff like this. Life is simply too short. If the guy is so superficial, has such a low intellect, is so paranoid, and is starting out with such a low regard for you that he would think that you would pull such a prank, he certainly isn't worth thinking around for one more second.


If, on the other hand, he has been out of town and has not gotten your messages...or if his message machine is broken, that's another story. He may also have serious rejection issues and may have gone through such exchanges with other ladies who were deceiving him and thinks you are doing the same. Until a person meets you in person and gets to know you, you really have to be very careful about everything. Get a separate phone line at home for your personal calls and TELL YOUR SISTER NOT TO ANSWER IT!!! However, I think the fact that you did call him back should be proof you aren't trying to avoid him. But who the hell knows what goes on in people's minds???


There are some excellent people who post ads on the Internet and I encourage you to continue your quest through this method. I know personally of several people who met their lifetime mates this way and they are VERY happy. If this guy actually thought you were the one that answered the phone, you are very lucky to find out so early in the game just how shallow and ignorant he is. Dump him in advance and proceed on. There is really not enough time in life to obsess about whether or not some stranger off the Internet is going to call back.

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