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I just wanted to post this bulletin for those on this web site who are or have gone throught the inevitable heart break. On May 15th I caught my girlfriend who I loved in bed with one of my best friends. I came to this web site and got some very pointed advice, especially from Tony who pointed out that it was not meant to be and why would I be upset about a girl who would do that to me. At the time I thought that this was the one girl who was meant for me and that I would never be happy again. Well I met someone two weeks ago who has changed everything. Not only is this girl beautiful, but she is sweet and kind and intelligent. She is almost too good to be true. I just wanted to post this for all those who are going through the same thing. Its amazing how good my life can be now. I don't know what is going to happen with this girl, but two months ago I never thought that I could feel this good and have this much potential for happiness. So, the cliches are true. It just wasn't meant to be and maybe everything that I went through was all for this.

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I am so happy for you!!!


Lots of people don't like what I have to say to them, but I shoot very straight and tell it just like it is. Eventually they understand but for some people it takes them a long time to come around.


Don't take this current situation for granted. Don't be too nice. Play it cool and be a challenge for her. Be nice and kind but not too nice or available.


Don't make the same mistakes you have made in the past.


Very best of luck to you!!!

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Charlie, congratulations....I just hope it happens for me also but I'm at a point where I losing hope and faith...how did you find her and were you looking or did it just happen. Again, congrats I guess it does happen for others.

I just wanted to post this bulletin for those on this web site who are or have gone throught the inevitable heart break. On May 15th I caught my girlfriend who I loved in bed with one of my best friends. I came to this web site and got some very pointed advice, especially from Tony who pointed out that it was not meant to be and why would I be upset about a girl who would do that to me. At the time I thought that this was the one girl who was meant for me and that I would never be happy again. Well I met someone two weeks ago who has changed everything. Not only is this girl beautiful, but she is sweet and kind and intelligent. She is almost too good to be true. I just wanted to post this for all those who are going through the same thing. Its amazing how good my life can be now. I don't know what is going to happen with this girl, but two months ago I never thought that I could feel this good and have this much potential for happiness. So, the cliches are true. It just wasn't meant to be and maybe everything that I went through was all for this.
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I met her at work. I work for a large company and I had seen her before and after getting my tounge back in my mouth I found out that she was divorced and 30 like me. Well it turned out that she and I have a lot in common and know a lot of the same people. It will happen for you too Michael. A lot of people kept telling me that and at the time I just didn't believe it. I thought that I had lost everything. But now I just can't believe this girl. She is just so incredibly beautiful. Michael I am not an expert at this by any means, but what I did was I looked but never over the top. I took my chances and made my move when the opportunity was right. Getting the courage to ask someone like her out was very hard, but a wise woman once said that "When you are stepping off in to the dark and unknown you are either going to land safely or learn how to fly." Good Luck to you and remember that it takes courage and risk to get what you want.

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