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How many of you cried when you saw yourself in your wedding dress?

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I guess a better question would be how many didn't? My sister had trouble finding a wedding dress initially, because she is chubby, and kind of between sizes, but not enough into fit "plus" sizes. All those batistes and ribs usually made her look like a well-filled sausage, or if she tried a larger size, she absolutely swam in abric.She didn't cry when she found her wedding dress from the boncyboutique, but she looked in the mirror, and involuntarily thought "Hey, I look just like a bride!" she was kind of shocked,

because she really had begun to think if she could find anything at all flattering, she would have to settle for that. she was pretty sure this was the dress at that moment; still, she tried on two more, to keep her sister happy, but she knew she had found her dress. :bunny:

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I didn't. I also was just happy to find a dress that didn't make me look awful. I have a very hourglass figure (emphasis on VERY), and most dresses I saw seemed to fit a much more slender physique. Luckily I found a dress with rouching (?) around the chest and tummy area, with a corseted back so it played on my positives without making me look like a 400 pound whale stuffed into a sausage casing.


(Just wish the photographer took my advice to take my picture at a downward angle to hide my little double chin lol ;p)

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My first post here. :)


I didn't cry when I saw myself in my wedding dress. I'm not that sentimental about weddings (even my own!) or clothes. I was just glad to find a dress I really liked for a price that I could afford ($350). I did look good in the dress though, but I didn't cry.

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I designed my own and had it specially made by a dressmaker.

I made it so that it could be altered to a little dress and bolero jacket afterwards.

When I took it back to the dressmaker as agreed, unbeknownst to me, she passed it on to another lady to do on her behalf, because she had no time to do it.

It came back altered in shape, irreparable and completely ruined.


Then - I cried.


And sued the dressmaker.

And won.

So then I cried all the way to the bank.:D

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I almost did. It was the makeup that really got to me. Drink too much, and there's no telling what some friends might do to you while you're passed out.

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...Laughing at Bent's post..


But, I didn't cry, but I was happy that I found a nice dress :)


Congratulations to your sister! I hope her marriage is a happy one.

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