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friends but maybe more


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ok here goes.. please give me your advice since this continues tomorrow. thanks!


Okay so im 23 years old and so is this girl. we have been really good friends since sophmore year in high school. i have dated a couple of her close friends in the past but nothing serious... we stopped hanging out for a while and then started up again. she would come to my house and spend the night. i would spoon with her and everything but no kissing or sex. i never made a "move" for more. we are really comfortable together and enjoy each others presence. so i went to jail for 5 months and just got out a few weeks ago. i moved about and hour from her so we havent gotten to hang out. we finally worked it out to where we were going to hang out. our plan is this... tomorrow 12pm im going to her house... we are going to go to the gym and work out + run any errands she needs to do during the day... tomorrow night we are going to go walk around and see the xmas lights and hang out. im going to sleep at her house this time and saturday im going with her and her family to an all day church event. im just a little confused on what i should do.. she is a good friend and potantially more, although i dont want to wreck our friendship. i dont know what i should do as far as making a move or if she even wants me to make a move. its hard to read because i dont know if its just a friendly thing or if shes thinking of more than friends... im a little shy and wouldnt know how to talk to her about it.. please help!

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