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Drinking over a litre of wine a day

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I am worried about my parents' drinking!


For as long as I can remember, they have drunk wine every single evening - I cannot remember any evening ever when they haven't drunk. They start drinking around 5:30 and keep going until they sleep at around 11:30, and each get through about a litre of wine a day (although it can be more). They also each tend to get tipsy (slightly slurring words, slight loss of inhibitions) every single evening, but I have rarely seen either of them be properly 'drunk'.


I grew up with this as normal, but now that I have turned 20 I have started to worry. They are both overweight and are constantly dieting but don't seem to lose any weight. I know alcohol has a lot of calories in. Also, for as long as I remember they have never been able to stick to anything - neither of them have normal jobs, they buy property to rent but haven't done anything for nearly ten years. They also rarely see their friends, like 4-5 times a year, and never go out in the evenings, just stay in together and drink and watch TV.


I'm really worried that this might be affecting their health! Does anyone know anything about the medical effects of alcohol, or does anyone drink like this and can offer me some perspective? I have tried talking to them but they just laugh it off.

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Yes, alcohol has a lot of calories, about 500-800 per 750ml bottle. It also sounds like they are both possibly alcoholics.


Good luck.

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The real question I would ask is if your parents have any real life issues because of their drinking. DUI? Loss of needed work? Marital problems?

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Feelin Frisky

My sympathies. You're parents are in denial about addiction to alcohol. It's one of the toughest nuts to crack to somehow get someone who is denial to face the truth. When we try, they often get even more resolved that they are right in doing what they do. Drinking that much wine every day IS alcohol dependence. And it is life-shortening. It ages people and puts great mileage on their bodies. Wine gets merit for some good properties but no one would say a liter or more every day is therapeutic. Best of luck to you and your parents that some positive change will come soon.

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