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Hi, i've posted here before and it was very useful so i'm trying again. So. Story is i have a yr and half LDR which has only actually been LDR for 6 months of this on and off. I was in his country for a year then had to come home and now he is coming over for the summer. thing is i don't think about him as much as i used to, i'm quite happy in the 'almost single' state that LDR is... he's always emailing about how much he misses me physically etc and i'm scared to admit to myself that i might actually have gone off him (i counteract this by saying...how can i tell since he isn't here?).. he's bought his ticket over here and i do feel quite a bit of pressure to be with him over the summer. luckily he won't be exactly in my town but a while away -ironically still making it an LDR but far far less distance. i'm hoping that it will all be managable. thing is that i don't know how we 'work' anymore in a normal situation of each having our own lives... that was when it was best (last year) everytime we've seen each other since then we've been living the other ones life which is a lot of pressure on both so it hasn't worked out that well. we're both hoping that things will pick up when he comes over here and that he'll be doing his own thing and i mine but still be together. sometimes i'm thinking ah what the heck, just finish it and avoid all messy complications come summer... i'm worried about it not working out... i know i'm not as into 'us' as he still is but am thinking is prob best to give it bit of a chance since its the longest rel i've had and all my friends love him. My family isn't quite so into him however, and can see how we're not total soulmates... hmmm oh well heaps of questions. i'm just interested in case anyone else has a similar situation or something. about being in a LDR and not sure how its going.. etc.

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Here is a really good rule of thumb: don't worry about something until it proves to be something you need to worry about. Quit second-guessing. Wait until he gets to your end of the planet and then see how it goes. You may fall for him completely again - or not. That's the time to decide what to do.

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