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need advise on a possible "THE ONE" situation

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i have written on this site a few times and got great responses to my situation, i dont know if anyone remebers, but i talked about a girl, that i met, after a long time , we grew up together, our families were friends, its just we havent seen each other in years....and we were put in each others lives recently....


an instant attraction, (not just physical) happened right away, and we started hanging out alot...well im happy to say that we are now involved for about a month and we are totally in love....as we begin to get to know each other better...im begining to relize that people are put in peoples lives for reasons.....our paths could have crossed so many times since we were kids, i just cant really believe that they didnt, but they didnt, almost like god was watching us....cause if we did meet at that time....it would be tragic....believe me....


my question is just that.....i feel she is it....shes feels the same exact way....i never felt this way before its awesome......just basically like shes "the one" does anyone think it is possible? in such a short period of time.....we talk about these things.....i wanna be with her....she wants to be with me....its so mutual....im just trying to enjoy the good feelings and hopefully it works out.....JUST HOW DO I KNOW???? .......we both have been in a lot of unhealthly relationships so to speak before.....and this one seems great.....we see ourselves together....and i dont want to lose her already.....any imput would be appreciated .....

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It is fairly common to think someone is 'the one' early in a relationship. This is usually because you haven't had time to know everything about the other person. People come to us after years of development; they are already pretty complex and you just cannot know everything about them in that short a time.


Enjoy this ride while it lasts; it's heady and fun. But make no decisions until at least a year has passed. By then, if there are flaws/major issues, they will have had time to emerge. If there are none, waiting will not have harmed you. If there are some and you've jumped ahead into living together or marrying, it's a huge amount of trouble and grief to have to undo the relationship.

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I felt like that when I met my husband. We've been together 10 years now and we're very happy. Looking back on the first few months, I think it was probably infatuation, but who knows. It was certainly stronger than anything I've ever felt before.


Go for it, enjoy it and bask in that wonderful feeling, but a word of caution: try to keep lives of your own. If you start living in each other's pockets, it can get a little claustrophobic. My husband and I split up 3 times in the first 3 months because it was all too intense. You need to maintain an identity of your own.


Good luck

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I agree with Moimeme. I have had a couple of "the one" but after you two have settled into more of a relationship will be the true test. Everybody is on their best behavior the first few months of a relationship then their true colors (bad or good) eventually turn up. Wait at least a year. Sometimes it takes that long to see the real person. If she loves you, you won't lose her by waiting.

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