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Need advice, please !

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Please, help me. I need to find the best course of action in a situation.


I went to church today and met this girl. Before mass, we started talking and her name was Cassandra. I went to the church balcony to watch mass and she went to the mass room itself right below the balcony. I caught her looking at me a few times from her seat down below. I saw her gesturing me to come down and sit next to her. I finally did and in mid-mass wrote her to ask her her number. She said : "after church." The ceremony ended and she went outside AFTER telling me where she was going. I was looking for my friend to give me a ride home. I saw Cassandra outside talking to a bunch of pretty boys.

I just remained inside the church looking for my ride. I thought (stupidly) that Cassandra had blown me off !


Not only did I NOT find my ride but I think i passed up a chance to meet an interesting girl.


I will return to church next saturday. What do i say to her ? I understand that by telling me she was going outside she may have meant for me to talk to her there and i stupidly blew it. Cassandra is quite interesting and assertive.



How do i behave ? I'd still like to get her number. She is mad cool.


Help me out, guys.

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i'd act as if nothing happened. next time you see her, don't mention what happened today, and ask her for her number. things will work themselves out if you act confidently.

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