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Should I be there?

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I'm a 19-year old pre-med/art major who's having troubles deciding whether or not I should break up with my 24-year old boyfriend. I know I should make the final decision on my own, but I would greatly appreciate some input from y'all.


I've been seeing some issues between us for the past couple of months:

He always seems to be short of cash, which means that I, a poor college kid, have to crack open my wallet. He's way too clingy and is constantly checking up on me every 10 minutes. (When I don't answer his texts/phone calls because I'm busy at work or school, he usually gets really sour about it.) Because his last couple of girlfriends cheated on him he has major trust issues and I found out, recently, that he has several false profiles to keep track of what I'm doing online (which really bothers me.) When we're together, he always seems to push me into a nagging war with him. If I hang out with my guy friends, he always calls every 30 minutes to ask if I'm "doing anything [i'm] not supposed to be doing." He also has major issues with sex (which starts a majority of our actual fights.) Honestly, I don't want sex. He knows this but tries to get in my pants, anyways. I have to force him off and, when I do, he acts like a 3-year old who just got put in time-out until I either fall asleep or have sex with him. (Not a healthy thing.) This pressure, plus more than a few extra pounds he's gained plus his balding head, has lead me to become unattracted to him, physically.


In his defense, he does have good qualities about him but, anymore, the bad things in his character far outweigh the good.



I'm incredibly torn because today I found out that he's losing his job because of minor theft from the store he manages. He's already short on cash and is barely making his apartment/car payments so he may end up being evicted and having his car repo'ed. I talked to him and he told me that I'm all he feels he has left.


I would really like to get out of this relationship but that feels like a selfish thought, now. I understand he could easily just ask his parents for his assistance but I feel like I would be a horrible for dumping his at this time.

Does anyone have any thoughts/advice/similar situations for me to evaluate?


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WOW, and my ex though I was a "obsessive, possessive, clingy and controlling " bf. I guess she doesn't know what a real one is like.


The sex thing is a problem, NO means NO!!

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