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I really need a motivator.

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I need something to look at, something to read every single day that will remind me that I need to workout, that it needs to be part of my day to day routine.


Something, the traditional "just to look good etc" doesn't exactly work for me.




I want to get back in shape so i look good, can run like I used to, and whatnot. I just have a hard time with committing.

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Good luck. Now that I can't fence or do judo any more, my rationale to work out / exercise is close to zero. I do it, in the same way that I pay bills and clean my shoes, because it's something you do, not because it means anything or because I get a kick out of it.


A lot of people will tell you guff like setting targets / obectives will help, and say "Make them SMART and they'll work". The R in these cases is often given as "relevant" and there is very little about how to make things relevant. You get these sort of unhelpful loops:

"How do I make exercise relevant?"

"You set an objective that's SMART and off you go!"

"Yes but HOW do I make it relevant?"

"You set an objective that's SMART and off you go!!"

"Yes, but HOW do I make it relevant to ME?"

"You set an objective that's SMART and off you go!!!"


At this point you get a short workout, as you try to beat some sense into the other person with whatever comes to hand, but you're no nearer making it "mean something" to you.



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I had a tough time with motivation until I focused on doing exercise that I found genuinely enjoyable.


The kind of thing I'd do for the thrill of it even if it didn't help me maintain weight/fitness.


Most people with motivation issues serious enough to cause them to post on a forum about it will fail at regular old gym.


That said, this is a pretty cool pic: clicky!

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Back when I exercised and didn't find it a drag / pain / bore, it was because it was in support of another interest.


Can you find a sport that you want to play that you would have to get fit for?

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If you can find an online program that ages you based on a photo (both body and face), print that out and paste it to your mirror. Or carry it in your wallet or purse. I swear, you will be busting a$$ from that moment forward. I kid you not, once you see what you will become due to lack of exercise and not too healthy diet, you will be motivated.

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