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Did my girlfriend cheat?

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Comparing buying pepto for stomach problems to buying THE DAY AFTER PILL FOR A PREGNANCY SCARE is effing retarded... So is comparing LYING about even knowing what the plan b pill is for to simply omitting the fact that you needed pepto.

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Yes, my biased opinion having been in this girl's same exact shoes - and I was innocent of any potential accusations. Have any of you dudes been in her shoes? You can ignore what I have to offer, but you guys have already strung her up for hanging without even hearing what she has to say. She's doomed no matter what.

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I read the entire thread, and every single one of OP's posts in this thread, before I asked my first question. I'll ask it again. What about searching for and/or purchasing Plan B means she CHEATED and had sex with another man? What? Tell me.


If you want to re-read what I suggested as her reason for not disclosing her private details about her medication and contraception choices, go ahead.


Either way, I cannot fathom how he can have this conversation ("Oh, after I looked on your computer, I looked through your private credit card bills...") and have any semblance of a trusting relationship, on either of their parts. It's clear he doesn't trust her, and if I were her, I wouldn't trust him anymore either.

He talked with his gf after finding out she searched for plan B. He asked her if they had a scare and she said she never searched for it and in fact, did not know what it was. She said it must have been one of her roommates. With all the other facts the OP presented (going out the night before) leads to a possible conclusion that she slept with someone else. Still possible that it is somehow a misunderstanding, but hence why he needs to speak with her this weekend.

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Based on MY own personal experience with this very subject, my personal bias (yes, bias) is that given what OP has said, there's nothing worthy of being suspicious of here.


Girl your killing me :lmao: Read carefully....She purchased or bought the plan b (nuke a fetus) pill with HER credit card. Yet she told her BF she has no idea what the plan b pill is. How is this not suspicious in any way shape or form? Please explain?

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The way I see it, is that she could have bought it for a friend, or herself, or maybe a roommate used her card to buy it. No one knows.


Some women can be very sensitive about these issues, maybe she went for a friend to save them the embarrassment.


I cannot emphasize enough that buying Plan B does not equal a pregnancy scare. There are a ton of reasons a person might purchase it. Maybe she bought it for her trip because she figured she might forget her BC at one point? Tear also mentioned that his girlfriend was on antibiotics, some of which can mess with the effectiveness of birth control. Maybe she just wanted to cover her bases.


As for why/if she lied. I have no idea, I'm sure she had her reasons.

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Yes, my biased opinion having been in this girl's same exact shoes - and I was innocent of any potential accusations. Have any of you dudes been in her shoes? You can ignore what I have to offer, but you guys have already strung her up for hanging without even hearing what she has to say. She's doomed no matter what.


I don't think it's fair to say that she's doomed. I am willing to hear her out before I make a decision. I haven't accused her of cheating, and I don't plan on doing so. The evidence I've compiled is hard to refute, I'm just curious as to why she said she didn't know what Plan B was, and why I found out that she purchased it the day after the search was made.

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Some women can be very sensitive about these issues, maybe she went for a friend to save them the embarrassment.


I cannot emphasize enough that buying Plan B does not equal a pregnancy scare. There are a ton of reasons a person might purchase it. Maybe she bought it for her trip because she figured she might forget her BC at one point? Tear also mentioned that his girlfriend was on antibiotics, some of which can mess with the effectiveness of birth control. Maybe she just wanted to cover her bases.


As for why/if she lied. I have no idea, I'm sure she had her reasons.


Oh great. She purchased Plan B for her trip, way to go. :lmao:

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No, but why lie if you asked about it?


You know what, brand me a "liar" if you want, but if I bought Pepto because I had raging uncontrollable diarrhea, I'd probably tell him I bought the Pepto because I had some minor heartburn. Why lie? Well, because of the visual? :laugh: Does every personal detail need to be shared?


There are plenty of reasons to purchase Plan B that don't involve cheating. Seeing as she was glad that he asked her about it, and has never given him any reason to doubt her, I think she deserves the benefit of the doubt here.

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Oh great. She purchased Plan B for her trip, way to go. :lmao:


lol! I just meant because trips are usually very busy it would be easy to forget BC. Haha but who knows? Better safe than sorry :laugh:

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ok... plan B prematurely starts the menstrual cycle. It is not something you take if you miss a pill... The pill is set up to very carefully regulate your cycle and it tricks your brain into thinking it already released an egg so your body doesnt release any eggs.

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Yes, my biased opinion having been in this girl's same exact shoes - and I was innocent of any potential accusations. Have any of you dudes been in her shoes? You can ignore what I have to offer, but you guys have already strung her up for hanging without even hearing what she has to say. She's doomed no matter what.


The reason that you are seeing the men jump to conclusions on here... Is if we are in relationships with women... We can't imagine them not feeling comfortable or able to not tell us something like this...


None of my girlfriends have not felt comfortable being able to tell me deep, important, very personal issues... Either can the other guys on here. Yes, I had some girls I was dating that had been raped, sexually abused as children, etc. So needing to take the morning after pill is nothing we couldn't talk about...


That is why we are jumping the gun and assuming the worst... It's more due to the fact that we ARE GOOD guys... and not the BAD ONES that women do not feel comfortable being honest or themselves in front of...


Does that make sense?

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Some women can be very sensitive about these issues, maybe she went for a friend to save them the embarrassment.


I cannot emphasize enough that buying Plan B does not equal a pregnancy scare. There are a ton of reasons a person might purchase it. Maybe she bought it for her trip because she figured she might forget her BC at one point? Tear also mentioned that his girlfriend was on antibiotics, some of which can mess with the effectiveness of birth control. Maybe she just wanted to cover her bases.


As for why/if she lied. I have no idea, I'm sure she had her reasons.


Exactly! Another reason! Antibiotics!


I don't think it's fair to say that she's doomed. I am willing to hear her out before I make a decision. I haven't accused her of cheating, and I don't plan on doing so. The evidence I've compiled is hard to refute, I'm just curious as to why she said she didn't know what Plan B was, and why I found out that she purchased it the day after the search was made.


You do understand that you cannot even have this conversation with her without the inference that you think she's lying to you? Plus the added fact that you snooped...AGAIN. It's not gonna look like, "Oh, I was fixing your computer and I just started to type and P..." Nope. It's gonna look like you've been snooping. Straight snooping.

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The reason that you are seeing the men jump to conclusions on here... Is if we are in relationships with women... We can't imagine them not feeling comfortable or able to not tell us something like this...


None of my girlfriends have not felt comfortable being able to tell me deep, important, very personal issues... Either can the other guys on here. Yes, I had some girls I was dating that had been raped, sexually abused as children, etc. So needing to take the morning after pill is nothing we couldn't talk about...


That is why we are jumping the gun and assuming the worst... It's more due to the fact that we ARE GOOD guys... and not the BAD ONES that women do not feel comfortable being honest or themselves in front of...


Does that make sense?

agreed. I would imagine that the OP would know if they had a scare. How would his gf know and not him? I mean, they are having sex, and if the condom broke (remember, they've ALWAYS been using condoms), he would know about it.

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The reason that you are seeing the men jump to conclusions on here... Is if we are in relationships with women... We can't imagine them not feeling comfortable or able to not tell us something like this...


None of my girlfriends have not felt comfortable being able to tell me deep, important, very personal issues... Either can the other guys on here. Yes, I had some girls I was dating that had been raped, sexually abused as children, etc. So needing to take the morning after pill is nothing we couldn't talk about...


That is why we are jumping the gun and assuming the worst... It's more due to the fact that we ARE GOOD guys... and not the BAD ONES that women do not feel comfortable being honest or themselves in front of...


Does that make sense?


I get this viewpoint, and I get Star's too. But, he is her boyfriend after all, and they've been together for a year. I can see why IF she had a pregnancy scare with her boyfriend, her boyfriend would want her to share that info with him. The hershey runs/poop, eh, not so much.

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I get this viewpoint, and I get Star's too. But, he is her boyfriend after all, and they've been together for a year. I can see why IF she had a pregnancy scare with her boyfriend, her boyfriend would want her to share that info with him. The hershey runs/poop, eh, not so much.

sorry, can someone fill me in on how that could happen considering they used condoms on every single occasion? if the condom broke, he would know about it.


Joe, you are ABSOLUTELY correct.

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We are the GOOD guys here ladies!


We can't imagine our girlfriends not being able to tell us something like this... So of course we would assume the worse.


How many other guys do you know that come to a website to learn how to be better men in relationships...


We are not the enemy!


If your GREAT AWESOME SUPER BOYFRIEND had a flair up for an STD (lets say crabs) and went to the doctor and got medicine for it and you found out because you saw the box in the trash?


Would you not be upset? Would not question him? Would you not wonder anything bad?


He responds... I got it from using the bathroom in a public restroom (which can happen)... Are you just going to be like... Okay that's cool and never, ever think about it ever again? Are you going to not be PISSED that he didn''t tell you or feel he could?

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The reason that you are seeing the men jump to conclusions on here... Is if we are in relationships with women... We can't imagine them not feeling comfortable or able to not tell us something like this...


None of my girlfriends have not felt comfortable being able to tell me deep, important, very personal issues... Either can the other guys on here. Yes, I had some girls I was dating that had been raped, sexually abused as children, etc. So needing to take the morning after pill is nothing we couldn't talk about...


That is why we are jumping the gun and assuming the worst... It's more due to the fact that we ARE GOOD guys... and not the BAD ONES that women do not feel comfortable being honest or themselves in front of...


Does that make sense?


Yes, for you and the girls you have dated. It's awesome that you are this great guy and that every girlfriend you've had has felt comfortable enough with you to tell you every embarrassing fact about herself. But those girls aren't this girl. And this has NOTHING to do with the guy and how good or bad he is at all, and EVERYTHING to do with the GIRL and HER OWN comfort level with HER contraceptive choices.


I have one very embarrassing secret, that's something that people laugh at as silly when I tell them - they think it's nothing to be embarrassed about. But I hide it, because it's embarrassing for me. My ex didn't even find out until a year after we were dating, and I was forced to tell him. Does that mean that when the subject of something related to this fact comes up, and I hide it, somehow means something horrible? Of course not. It's called "it's personal."

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Sorry, but if you are two people in a relationship actively having sex, you should be able to talk about the ramifications associated with sex, such as STDS, pregnancy scares, etc.


I absolutely agree.


However, "should" and "always do in every instance" are two very different things.

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Sorry, but if you are two people in a relationship actively having sex, you should be able to talk about the ramifications associated with sex, such as STDS, pregnancy scares, etc. Its a maturity and honesty issue. Lets turn the tables and say the OP was having unprotected sex with his girlfriend because they love and trusted eachother, then one day found condoms or he purchased commons then lied about it. What would the consensus be.


It would still look suspect to me. And I bet we would see alot more women bombing this thread ready to execute HIM :laugh:

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If your GREAT AWESOME SUPER BOYFRIEND had a flair up for an STD (lets say crabs) and went to the doctor and got medicine for it and you found out because you saw the box in the trash?


Would you not be upset? Would not question him? Would you not wonder anything bad?


He responds... I got it from using the bathroom in a public restroom (which can happen)... Are you just going to be like... Okay that's cool and never, ever think about it ever again? Are you going to not be PISSED that he didn''t tell you or feel he could?


An STD that can be caught from ANOTHER partner via cheating is very different than one's choice in contraception.

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Star Gazer... If she can't tell the guy she is sleeping with this VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION HE DESERVES to KNOW... Then she shouldn't be having sex in the first place.


I don't care if she feels like talking about it or not... She has a responsibility too!


Just like I have a responsibility to tell her if I have an STD!

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LMAO........this is getting interesting


Ok.....perhaps like some of the ladies here she bought Plan B to have around as a back up.




She needed it right away.

And you think you had sex a few days before the Google search and then add a day or 2 for it to arrive in the mail.....

From the Plan B website -

With Plan B One-Step™, you have up to 72 hours (3 days) to prevent a pregnancy. Plan B One-Step™ is not the abortion pill and it isn’t a substitute for routine birth control.


-OR- Her roomate stole her card and ordered it


-OR- blah blah blah.....


The possibilities are endless....

I hope she tells you the truth on Saturday

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sorry, can someone fill me in on how that could happen considering they used condoms on every single occasion? if the condom broke, he would know about it.


Joe, you are ABSOLUTELY correct.


I know. That's why part of it doesn't make sense. If he didn't actually cum inside her, she wouldn't really have a need for Plan B.

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