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Did my girlfriend cheat?

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Whether you like it or not... A LOT OF PEOPLE THINK taking a PLAN B pill is abortion... Abortion is a VERY EMOTIONAL ISSUE FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN... If I and anyone I know that found out their GF / WIFE took a PLAN B pill without talking / sharing that with them (REGARDLESS OF HOW THEY FOUND) out... They would be PISSED, HURT, UPSET... That is not counting on whether the fact they think they just lost a baby or not...


Not that this is really relevant to this thread, but Plan B is NOT AN ABORTION PILL. You are confusing it with RU486 or whatever. Plan B just gives you a huge dose of hormones to prevent implantation - similar to what the pill does, but in a much larger dose. It can only be used once per cycle. It does not kill an already implanted fetus. It is no more like abortion than taking the pill is.

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Uggh...your right Gazer, he shouldn't say anything. He should just let this go.


Is that what I said? Really? Are you reading anything I'm saying? I didn't say he should keep his mouth shut. Far from it. Sheesh.


Y'all read between the lines to come up with the worst possible conclusions about people and their motivations. It's actually really sad to see.


Your disregard for her lying leads me to believe you may be a spy and possible friend of the OP's gf. Who are you realllly?


:lmao::lmao::lmao: Suuuurre.


I can't say what I've said anymore without turning blue. I've given the OP and all of you an INNOCENT WOMAN'S perspective, a perspective of someone in the OP's GF's shoes. AN ALTERNATIVE before you execute her or present your evidence to her in a way that infers you think she's been cheating.


If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Like I said, it wouldn't be the first time. But it's worth considering the plentiful alternatives to assuming she's cheating.


Good luck, OP.

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No no, that happened to me 5 years ago. I told my girlfriend about it when we first started dating.


Oh. So you're just throwing that in there now, I see. :cool::rolleyes:

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Is that what I said? Really? Are you reading anything I'm saying? I didn't say he should keep his mouth shut. Far from it. Sheesh.


Y'all read between the lines to come up with the worst possible conclusions about people and their motivations. It's actually really sad to see.




:lmao::lmao::lmao: Suuuurre.


I can't say what I've said anymore without turning blue. I've given the OP and all of you an INNOCENT WOMAN'S perspective, a perspective of someone in the OP's GF's shoes. AN ALTERNATIVE before you execute her or present your evidence to her in a way that infers you think she's been cheating.


If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Like I said, it wouldn't be the first time. But it's worth considering the plentiful alternatives to assuming she's cheating.


Good luck, OP.


Thank you Star, I appreciate your insight and you've given me alternatives as to why Plan B may have been used. Like I said before, the last thing I want to do is accuse my girlfriend of cheating. I merely want to find out about why it was purchased on her Visa.

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OMFG. That is not at all what I'm saying. You're twisting this horribly.


Having herpes is not just your problem only, and you know it. It's hers as well, before you even have sex with her. It's ALWAYS there. Comparing having an incurable STD to HER PERSONAL choice in contraception is just ridiculous. I'm not even going to comment any further.


We're not talking about having an incurable STD versus having an ABORTION. Now if THAT was what was at issue here, the comparison would be fair. But that's not what Plan B is, people. It's BIRTH CONTROL. It's literally the equivalent of 4 BC pills on one pill. Until/unless she's pregnant, IT DOES NOT AFFECT HIM.



Unless she ejecting an egg that wasn't fertilized by the PO. I don't know but that would affect me!

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Regardless of what the plan b pill definition is. The fact remains that its an emergency contraceptive and that she lied about purchasing it and even knowing what it is.


Raise the red flag high!

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Whether you like it or not... A LOT OF PEOPLE THINK taking a PLAN B pill is abortion... Abortion is a VERY EMOTIONAL ISSUE FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN...


All the more reason not to tell him, because he might incorrectly think she was aborting a fetus and go apesh*t, when that's not the case at all! Plan B is NOT an abortion pill.


If I and anyone I know that found out their GF / WIFE took a PLAN B pill without talking / sharing that with them (REGARDLESS OF HOW THEY FOUND) out... They would be PISSED, HURT, UPSET...


This is just wrong. You'd be upset if you found out your GF took the BC pill? Because that's all Plan B is. It is NOT the abortion pill. It does NOT end a pregnancy. It PREVENTS pregnancy, in the same exact way the BC pill does.


I'm tired. Again, good luck to the OP.

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I strongly suggest you look into meditation/relaxation techniques

This kind of stress with Crohns is not good


I agree, whatever happens in this situation, I know that I need to take care of my body. I am susceptible to so many problems and I need to realize that stress only heightens my risk.

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Unless she ejecting an egg that wasn't fertilized by the PO. I don't know but that would affect me!


Do you get upset every month when your girlfriend doesn't get preggo? :confused: Because each month she doesn't get preggo, she's ejecting an egg!

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Thank you Star, I appreciate your insight and you've given me alternatives as to why Plan B may have been used. Like I said before, the last thing I want to do is accuse my girlfriend of cheating. I merely want to find out about why it was purchased on her Visa.


And I totally understand your concerns and such.


How do you plan on asking her? As in, how are you going to broach the subject?

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Do you get upset every month when your girlfriend doesn't get preggo? :confused: Because each month she doesn't get preggo, she's ejecting an egg!


Yep! unfertilized! And if it was then it wasn't ment to be.

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Yep! unfertilized! And if it was then it wasn't ment to be.


Unless you're trying to get pregnant, I'm confused why you'd be upset about her ejecting an unfertilized egg.

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Unless you're trying to get pregnant, I'm confused why you'd be upset about her ejecting an unfertilized egg.


You have a plan B pill, I'd hope you know what it's used for, right? Okay then. What MY opinion is, is she USED this pill to stop an unwanted pregnacy. I hope this isn't too confusing? No? good. Now, if she is on BCP's AND they always used condom's. They why in the blue HELL, would she need to used one after a drunken night out!

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You have a plan B pill, I'd hope you know what it's used for, right? Okay then. What MY opinion is, is she USED this pill to stop an unwanted pregnacy. I hope this isn't too confusing? No? good. Now, if she is on BCP's AND they always used condom's. They why in the blue HELL, would she need to used one after a drunken night out!


FFS. Are you reading this thread? They use condoms AND the BC pills to be extra safe. Problem is, she sometimes misses BC pills. That lessens the effectiveness of them. She also sometimes is on antibiotics. That also lessens the effectiveness of the BC pills. Combine missing the pills and antibiotics, and I can totally understand why she'd go for Plan B, even with condoms. Can you?


Further, clearly you don't know what Plan B is used for. Plan B does not "STOP an unwanted pregnancy." It PREVENTS pregnancy to begin with. Is that too confusing? No? Good. :p

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Sorry guys, Star is right, Plan B is NOT an abortion pill.


HOW IT WORKS: After sex, if the sperm and egg have not yet met and therefore fertilization has not occurred, Plan B will prevent that from happening. If fertilization has in fact occurred, Plan B will stop that fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. Plan B will not terminate a pregnancy once implantation has occurred. The U.S. government defines abortion as terminating a pregnancy after implantation, and therefore, Plan B is not aborting a pregnancy. However, many in the medical community define abortion as terminating a pregnancy once fertilization has occurred, and by that definition, Plan B could work in an abortive fashion. Dr. Andrews says for those who define abortion that way, giving women easier access to Plan B will make it more likely they will be able to take it sooner after sex, decreasing the likelihood that fertilization will have occurred.

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FFS. Are you reading this thread? They use condoms AND the BC pills to be extra safe. Problem is, she sometimes misses BC pills. That lessens the effectiveness of them. She also sometimes is on antibiotics. That also lessens the effectiveness of the BC pills. Combine missing the pills and antibiotics, and I can totally understand why she'd go for Plan B, even with condoms. Can you?


Further, clearly you don't know what Plan B is used for. Plan B does not "STOP an unwanted pregnancy." It PREVENTS pregnancy to begin with. Is that too confusing? No? Good. :p[/QUOT



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It's not unreal. It's the truth.


If there's one fact you can take away from this thread, it's that Plan B does not "stop an unwanted pregnancy." It is not the abortion pill. It prevents pregnancy from the outset.


Another thing you can take away from this thread: There are all sorts of things that lessen the effectiveness of BC pills. Not taking them at the same time every day. Missing pills. Taking antibiotics. Throwing up when hungover. (Notably, there are all things that OP's GF experienced recently.) Plan B is a backup method, not just for unprotected sex or condom breakage, but for BC pill failure/ineffectiveness as well.


Do with that information what you will.

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It's not unreal. It's the truth.


If there's one fact you can take away from this thread, it's that Plan B does not "stop an unwanted pregnancy." It is not the abortion pill. It prevents pregnancy from the outset.


Another thing you can take away from this thread: There are all sorts of things that lessen the effectiveness of BC pills. Not taking them at the same time every day. Missing pills. Taking antibiotics. Throwing up when hungover. (Notably, there are all things that OP's GF experienced recently.) Plan B is a backup method, not just for unprotected sex or condom breakage, but for BC pill failure/ineffectiveness as well.


Do with that information what you will.


Sweet. Well now that you put it that way the OP can completely disregard her denying about what the plan b is (she said she didn't know what it was) or that she purchased it on her credit card. What a relief to the OP :rolleyes:

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