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5 YO boy very argumentative


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My 5 year old son is very argumentative with me. He argues about everything! It doesn't matter if the answer is right in front of him he will still argue what he thinks. It's getting so bad it is stressing me out and I know it is affecting him too. I know this is just not going to stop, so I just need some advice on how to deal with this situation. I've tried the saying "I just love you too much to argue with you" It doesn't seem to work! What is going to be bad is that his 4 yo brother is picking it up now! I NEED HELP! PLEASE!!!

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Have you tried punishing him for being argumentative?


He's testing his boundaries. As Dr. Phil would say, "You're in the middle of a battle of wits with a 5 year old and you are losing". Think about that for a moment.


The rule in my house is "Do first. Ask questions later". I encourage my kids to ask for clarification as to why I hand down a task if they truly do not understand it. BUT, only after they get it done.


You have to toughen your resolve. Do not respond to him when he's being argumentative. If you don't want to argue with your son, simply don't. If he screams and yells, pay no attention to it. Put him in his room to scream it out if you must.


This will also show your younger son that you don't tolerate arguing. The reason he's following in big bro's footsteps is because he sees that it works. Don't reason with him. Don't reward his behavior with verbal response.


Hope this helps.

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I agree with the given advice. He can't argue with himself. If he isn't getting anything out of it, he will stop. Are you giving him positive reinforcement when he does something good. Praise the good behavior and punish unwanted behavior.

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I think he needs to go see someone...there is clearly more to this than he is just a 5 yr old being very argumentative....something happened

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He needs some boundaries. He is continually arguing with you because he has someone to argue with. You're the adult, let him know he does not rule the roost. Arguing is one thing but if he is doing so in an angry manner, thee mighyt be more going on here. You might want to possibly seek some outside help too, a professional that can guide you in the right direction on what to do.

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