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Well now u can say i told u so....

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Well yes, even when I gave him lots of space and didnt contact him, he eventually phoned today and called it off.....So i suppose u can say i told u so now....


But he still wants to take me out to lunch next saturday and wants me to go to a party with him..


What are some ways i can do these things to make him regret what he has done?



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For what reason would you want to go to lunch with him Saturday (unless you're out of groceries) and why would you want to go to a party with him? Give him the number for an escort service and tell him you're not interested. Declining these invitations will get him started on thinking about what he has done. The guy must be nuts, breaking up with you and then trying to make plans with you. Have him get a psychological evaluation.


Ninety seven percent of the time a male or female asks for space, what they are really saying is they want to explore other options. Always give them the space, a lifetime of space!!!


He shouldn't have to regret what he has done and neither should you. The best thing you can do is move on, find the right person for you, and have a great life. Wish him the same.


There is just no great way to break up with somebody. It's never pleasant or comfortable. But always remember, the other option is staying with the wrong person and screwing your entire life up. So he did you a favor. Why would you want him to regret doing you a favor???

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