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what does this mean?

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I was going with a man for 6 months and things were going well. Then all of a sudden he calls and says we need to take a break--and maybe a permanent break, he doesn't know what he wants. These were some of his other comments:


I think I've got cold feet


I think I'm just tired (working 6 days a week)


I don't know what I want


I think your feelings are more for me than mine for you


I usuallly fall in love fast


I don't know if I want a relatioship


I need some time (he said when I asked if he wanted a


permanent break


Go ahead and date if you want-I won't get mad


I may want to date several women at one time


Do you want me to tell you if I date?


I may be the loser in this


I do care about you


I'm never going to hurt someone or be hurt again


Also, he had questions about where would we live, (we both have our own houses) if we did stay together.


I am confused, I said I'd give him some time--it's been several weeks and I have heard nothing. What does all this mean?

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I just been through all of this with a guy i have been for four months

but mine continued to call during the break and then broke it off tonight......


All i can say is cut your losses and move on, dont hang around waiting like i did.....


Anyway, hoped i helped



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I think he has said, in fairly clear terms for a coward and perhaps in a lame effort to spare your feelings, that he does not want to continue seeing you. He may be phobic about committment. He may be having money problems. He may have gotten a call from an old girlfriend he still loves. Who knows and who cares. He has made his position about you about as clear as it gets.


Take the message, don't take it personally because he certainly isn't the right person for you, and move on. That's what it's all about. Finding the right person. When you get really good at moving along quickly when things like this happen, you'll find Mr. Right will pop right into your life.


Nothing to be confused about here. Anytime a guy gives you this kind of double talk, write him off!!!

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