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Is he "nuts?" sorry, long!

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I have a few questions I hope to be answered. To start off, I met this guy "J" and we dated for a few weeks. Things went really fast (he set the paced) but I really liked him so I went along with it. (We weren't intimate though, just slept over). After the 3rd week of spending everyday together, he asked me to be his girl. We were talking and then he said he had to tell me something. He got tears in his eyes, told me he was sensitive and said that he used to be a pot head and he quit a few weeks ago and that he's so proud of himself. I was slightly in awe.. and I said I was proud of him too.. (still thinking, alright I can let this this go)


When we would hang out, he made me feel so special but he would start acting jealous. Like if he saw a random car at my apartment he would ask who's vehicle it was and I have pictures of my guy friends and he would ask me who is that guy, this and that....If i went somewhere he would want to know who I was going with.


Then we were talking again and he told me that he has low self -esteem and he's not exactly 100 percent emotionally stable... he asked me questions like what motivates me in life and what do I want out of life? I told him how much I wanted to work with kids and everything ( i was kind of shocked by these questions I felt like I was on a dating game). Then after I told him he said "wondeful answer" and his eyes were all watery. Then he said that his ex gf was so concerned with money that is why he asked. Red flag! Why is he trying to compare me with his ex? I asked him why did they break up and he said I don't want to talk about it but he said he's glad it's over and that he's glad he met me.


One day, completely unexpectedly he calls me after his shower and says that he can't see me anymore he's sorry but he's not ready for a commitment. I was hurt because I did fall for him.. even though he said some things that made me question him he treated me really well and made me feel so special.


A week later classes start up back at school... I see him at the downtown bar. He comes up to me and says that he's so happy to see me and that he missed me. He told me he can't let go of his past and can't move forward but he wanted to pursue something with me (obviously he ain't over his ex who I found out broke up with him 5 months ago). He said that I'm such a gorgeous, wonderful person and he wants to hang out and see what happens.


I fall for it, we talk on the phone every day but this time he seemed like he didn't wanna hang out, just talk... then he stopped calling me. I was like wtf?! I didnt' even bother calling him back.


3 weeks go by.. I see him again at the bars and he comes up to me. He seems kind of sad and then I asked him why didn't you just call me?? He said he thinks I'm a wonderful person but he just, "can't with me.... i'm sorry, i'm sorry.. etc" then he said I understand if you hate me because I was an a**h*** and it's not ok the way i treated you. He said melissa, (he points to his head) I'm f*ed up. I'm just thinking.. what is he doing?? Then he's like I'm sorry over and over.. then he's stops and says.. I will talk to you later. That is the last I saw or spoke to him. I haven't seen him on campus.


He says it isn't me and there is not another girl.. so why did he put me through all this???? Did he even like me? This guy seems to be an emotional basketcase really? Is this normal behavior?

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Yeah nevermind, I mean that he's crazy for acting the way he is. I get a feeling he could be doing that on purpose, but either way you don't need the guy in your life.

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If he did this on purpose then he is insane.. outta his mind.. lol! :D Too bad he was crazy to do this, he was a nice guy "overall"

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