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Cheating Girlfriend

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My girlfriend of 2 years recently cheated on me (a full blown month long affair) while she was away on a retreat. Now she wants me back, is overwhelmingly apologetic, loves me, etc. I want her back, but am afraid it'll happen again. She promises it won't. Any suggestions?

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She has a full blown affair while she's gone for a month on a "RETREAT" (oh, how special) and then returns to conveniently ask for forgiveness and to get back together.


This wasn't just an innocent one-nighter...this was a willful and wanton disregard and disrespect for her committment, the sanctity of her word and her relationship with you. Whether or not it could happen again is not even a consideration. The fact that she is so devoid of morals and scrupels is the issue. This lack of ethics and integrity is not just limited to her sex life, it can affect every facet of her life and you will never be able to trust her. She's the kind of lady who could be a school teacher and do her male students on the way home to hubby.


Can she ever do it again, yep. Will she be overwhelmingly apologetic about it, well, yes, if the guy dumps on her and doesn't want to keep her around. She promises it won't happen again, yeah, right. Yes, this is the word of a lady who cheated on you for a whole month while you thought she was doing honorable things at a retreat. Is she somebody who keeps her promises???


Now, that's just my opnion. I am very biased because I don't like people who crap on me. But there are others that post here who see things differently. I consider myself a very loving and forgiving person and I would forgive your lady in a second. But I would NOT renew her contract.


I hope others are more encouraging. This lady will be nothing but a lifetime of trouble if you stick around her. Others here may make a compelling case for keeping her around. In any case, I want you to be happy, comfortable and secure with whoever you are with.

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