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Will this one day go away?


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I never thought about putting this in the abuse section but this seems to be the right description now.

If during another argument this time while yelling and getting in your face, they said ''You really make me want to slap you'' and seem as if they mean it isn't this concerning?


Honestly I'm embarrassed to even post this but I find it concerning. I wanted to have a child next year but I'm having second thoughts now and it's only been 6 months of marriage.


I spoke with one of my guy friend again but he seems useless. He again told me this is a stage some women go through upon getting married but it will go away towards the ending of the 1st year. I'm having doubts now.

Edited by ScornedBob
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Don't listen to your friend since he clearly doesn't have a clue. Normal healthy people don't go around yelling and talking about wanting to slap the person they claim to love and respect.


I would sit her down and express to her that you will not tolerate any physical or verbal violence and that it has to stop. Hopefully, she will agree and you guys can come to some resolution about how to communicate more effectively. If she is not receptive to your boundaries, you may want to be clear what your dealbreakers are and inform her of this. That way when she hits and you leave (which you should) she will have been warned.


Boundaries are critical in relationships. Not just having them but enforcing them when crossed. I don't even tolerate yelling in my face and that is a for sure deal breaker for me.


Best wishes

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Kentucky Jelly

You are having arguments like this after only 6 months of marriage? I would be looking at a dissolution. Why make it last any longer?

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It's abuse and it won't go away. It'll get worse. This is her style of behaving and people don't change unless they want to change. Like sugarmomma said, you've got to clearly communicate your dealbreakers. And be ready to enforce them. If you don't enforce them she will respect you even less.

How long did you know her before you married?


I never thought about putting this in the abuse section but this seems to be the right description now.

If during another argument this time while yelling and getting in your face, they said ''You really make me want to slap you'' and seem as if they mean it isn't this concerning?


Honestly I'm embarrassed to even post this but I find it concerning. I wanted to have a child next year but I'm having second thoughts now and it's only been 6 months of marriage.


I spoke with one of my guy friend again but he seems useless. He again told me this is a stage some women go through upon getting married but it will go away towards the ending of the 1st year. I'm having doubts now.

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