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getting normal knowledge

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jean-luc sisko
Exactly. I think the whole thing is hilarious, and I can find similar examples of people just repeating the same things whilst insulting and ignoring all responses by other posters in this forum.


then please explain how normal knowledge does not exist.

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We all have it quite normally, because we're all normal.

You don't have it because you're no not normal.

I guess that would be it.

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then please explain how normal knowledge does not exist.


Normal knoweldge exists just fine, and everybody has it. But since you don't have it, ergo, you must not exist. Bummer.


I'm thinking of good lentil barley soup myself. Yum.

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With hot crusty bread, and oodles of good fresh butter, and maybe a hunk of nice strong cheese to follow.

Wine, or fresh apple juice?

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With hot crusty bread, and oodles of good fresh butter, and maybe a hunk of nice strong cheese to follow.

Wine, or fresh apple juice?


Oh that does sound good...fresh apple juice for me, please. Wine makes me sleepy. :)

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jean-luc sisko
We all have it quite normally, because we're all normal.

You don't have it because you're no not normal.

I guess that would be it.


it's my right to have normal knowledge. who says it is not?

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You tell us.

You're the one saying you haven't got it.


You have provided no definitive or irrefutable evidence to show you don't have it, so the onus is on you to clarify why you haven't got it, and prove you haven't.

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jean-luc sisko

it's 2011 now. it's my right to have normal knowledge. please state why it is not, and this thread will desist.

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Yes, this thread is obviously very tired. I can't for the life of me understand why they go on for 100, 200, 300 posts or more. Any subject in the world can be handled in under 100 posts.


Thanks to all who participated and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!

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