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Closed marriage and very happy!

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18 years in a closed marriage, and really enjoying it. Interesting how the longer you're together, the less the idea of someone else appeals to you, even when you're really pissed off at your partner. "He might be a pinhead, but he's my pinhead!" :laugh::laugh:



Congratulations! I love hearing stories of long lasting couples. :)

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Very happily monogomous here too. :)


My man and I have an awesome relationship. We're best friends, we love each other deeply and we have fantastic sex - there's no room for anyone else in that equation.


Knowing that we're both faithful is a huge turn on in itself.


I don't understand open marriages, but each to their own.



Being so in love and best friends will make any relationship work. So happy to hear that.

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Two peas in a pod and neither of us would have it either way. Very happy together :)


However, I'd rather see people in an open marriage any day of the week rather than the mess of an A, so even though it isn't for me or my relationship - if it works for some people and they can be happy? Good on them.



Thank you. ;)

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I would not have it any other way myself. Married twice personally, first husband wanted an open marriage, wanted to be with other women, we divorced after 7 years. I have been remarried for 18 years and while marriage isn't all steamy and everything I ever dreamed of I am not going to cheat on him and as far as I know he has been faithful too.


It's my belief that marriage is the unity of two individulas to be committed to one another.


I've seen the destruction of those who feel they are entitled to sleep around. For these people there is a boundary that gets crossed, if it even existed in the first place, and the thrist never gets quenched. This is not going to make them happy....it is more of an addiction (a sick high) than anything else.


Yes, I have some very strong opinions on the suject, lived it.



When your husband asked you what kind of reaction did he get? Was your reluctance to his request what ended the marriage or was it the fact that you knew deep in your mind he was wanting someone else? Just curious I wouldn't have suggested it to my husband if I didn't know how he would react.

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U mad OP? Seems there is some aggression below the surface.



He didn't like my post about how I was happy in an open relationship. I think he thought I was trying to convert people or something lol.

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Nothing better than climaxing with a partner you love and looking into their watery, sparkling eyes as euphoria washes over your body.:love::love:



I 100% completely agree it is a GREAT feeling!! ;)

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He didn't like my post about how I was happy in an open relationship. I think he thought I was trying to convert people or something lol.


Actually I started my own thread about how there are some people who are happy in closed marriages, just as you had your own thread about how some people are happy in open marriages. Nothing more, nothing less. :)

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I am taught to be tolerant of people I do not agree. As much as I find it abhorrent (i.e. the notion of an open relationship), I think no one has the right to force their beliefs down anyone's throat.



Me too. I think it is horible how some people will talk to others while trying to force their beliefs on to others (close minded or open minded beliefs). Why not just see what they have to say to learn how other live, weather it is your way or not, and move on. No reason to try to belittle someone to thinking the same way as you.

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Actually I started my own thread about how there are some people who are happy in closed marriages, just as you had your own thread about how some people are happy in open marriages. Nothing more, nothing less. :)



I am sorry for the misunderstanding. I apologize.

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I don't really believe that other peoples' ways of life are things for me to "tolerate". IMO, that suggests that another person's way of life has anything to do with me. The word "Tolerate" implies that you are magnanimous in some way, to "put up with" something that doesn't involve you whatsoever. Maybe it's all just semantics...........


That said, I very much enjoy being monogamous.

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Totally feel the same way about my hubby!


Well, if it works for some that is great.


But it is a risk I am unsure I would be unwilling to take.


If he developes feelings for a female partner, and if I develop feelings for a male partner, which orgasming is designed to promote biologically, especially in women.......what would we have?


A divorce?

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I am super happy for all of you. All I would ever ask for any person is that they know as much happiness, love, and fulfillment as possible in this life. Especially this time of year. Have an eggnog on me.


Nicely said, Mr. Bigbooty. I mean, Bigboo-tay. Thanks.

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