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Comments about how I show my feelings

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Hello, I just met somebody, She said that I wear my feeling. I thought this was a compliment but apparently is was not. One lady says, I need to open up, and another one says, I have feelings on the sleeves. Could it be that the ladies I am talking to are screwed up in the mind just as I am.



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They could both be right or wrong. But if want a true feed back on how women see you or about how you act aroud them, try talking to your female friends about it. Ask the close ones and brace yourself (as my aunt Mary sais, hope for the best and expect the worst).


I don't really think you want an answer, 'cause you wouldn't ask people who never met you this kind of questions.


If you meant wheather women give mixed signals.... that's another story :))



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i think what they mean is that , "you wear your heart on your sleeve."


forgot what that meant, get one of the girls to analyze that .

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Thanks for the input. I guess people who are expressive will be around those who are. an those who are not will be around those who are not. My friend told me this, of course I asked for it. she was very hones with me. Too honest for me and I gave her my honest reaction and that was, "Ouch."

I think she expressed herself to me in a mature way. I guess I just need to mature in my life and relationships. in other words, "Grow up."

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