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What food habits do you secretly love?

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Do you have any odd/repulsive food habits?


I love pepperoncini's, and will usually drink the juice from the jar after/while I eat them. Mmmm! (Super high in sodium, I know) Grosses my bf out.


I put ketchup on my tacos. Not sure if that's odd or not though, as it's a family thing.


I have a friend who puts ketchup on her carrots :sick:.


I think that's it for me. Anyone else? I wonder what random things would be good with cottage cheese...

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I used to swallow peas, one at once, because my parents made me eat them but I didn't like them. Eating dinner took quite a while.


I grew out of it, but it developed a useful skill, I can take large pills easily and don't even need water :)

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I have many odd food habits:

putting tobasco and hot sauce on everything

crisps with tomato sauce

putting peanut butter in my porridge(oatmeal)

vegemite and avocado on toast

vegemite and sliced tomatoes on toast

vegemite with tofu on toast

(okay let's face it, vegemite with anything on toast :laugh:)

vegan cheese with sliced apples

fried eggplant with tomato sauce

avocados with honey


That's all off the top of my head.

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Feelin Frisky

I have had a food addiction and when it gets out of control, I would fill up a cup about three quarters with peanut butter and add sugar and mix it up. Then I'd keep lightly salting it and just sit there and eat it off a spoon slowly over the course of an hour. Want to get fat? That'll do 'er.


I'm not doing that these days. Been a bit over a year.


I have the hot sauce thing though.

The ketchup thing--but not on the obvious disgusting things that weirdos put ketchup on. I dab my pickels in it.

I like a little mustard and ketchup on potato chips but don't like mustard on hot dogs. Ketchup.


Not too weird other than that. I like all kinds of delicasies but eat them as they are usually intended. Love raw clams with Heinz cocktail sauce.

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I have had a food addiction and when it gets out of control, I would fill up a cup about three quarters with peanut butter and add sugar and mix it up. Then I'd keep lightly salting it and just sit there and eat it off a spoon slowly over the course of an hour. Want to get fat? That'll do 'er.

PB is the best. I put PB on porridge, weetbix, PB melted with honey in soymilk for a hot drink, PB and banana, PB and baked apples, on toast with honey, on toast with jam and banana. Ever since I became vegan, junk food options have significantly decreased so peanut butter has been my savior when those sweet cravings kick in.

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Feelin Frisky
PB is the best. I put PB on porridge, weetbix, PB melted with honey in soymilk for a hot drink, PB and banana, PB and baked apples, on toast with honey, on toast with jam and banana. Ever since I became vegan, junk food options have significantly decreased so peanut butter has been my savior when those sweet cravings kick in.


I like it on p___y too. :) Sorry for being a pig. :rolleyes::D

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I eat cream cheese with a spoon. Haven't done that in like a year but give me a chance , yum.


I eat mostly everything in portions. Pizza , I eat the cheese , scoop off the sauce with the spoon , then the crust . And throw away the rest.


With a sandwich I eat the filling first , then the rest.


I don't eat the crust on bread. So if I have a burger I peal of the whole top and bottom first.Then eat the meat and the cheese then the inside of the bread. If I want the carbs that day.



I have very sickning habits if you know me.

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I like to bite off the chocolate covering on a chocolate bar, then eat the different layers of caramel, nuts and biscuit/wafer one at a time. It's a bit messy, but there's something very satisfying about trying to make sure that one layer is 'clean' before moving onto the next one.

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Feelin Frisky
I like to bite off the chocolate covering on a chocolate bar, then eat the different layers of caramel, nuts and biscuit/wafer one at a time. It's a bit messy, but there's something very satisfying about trying to make sure that one layer is 'clean' before moving onto the next one.


Yeah, put me down for that too. I like to slowly pick all the chocolate off a Funny Bone, a Yodel, a Ring Ding, a Reeses etc with my teeth and experience one component at a time.

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Cottage cheese mixed with grapefruit. One day I decided "eh, lets try them together"..surprisingly enough, they cancel out each others tastes, aint too bad.


I also used to eat oreo cookies (up until last year) and dunk them, then chew the soggy half while holding the non soggy half in my lips, before eating the non soggy part. Looks alot more repulsive in print...

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I like to bite off the chocolate covering on a chocolate bar, then eat the different layers of caramel, nuts and biscuit/wafer one at a time. It's a bit messy, but there's something very satisfying about trying to make sure that one layer is 'clean' before moving onto the next one.

Omg if I eat a snikers .I cut of the outside chocolate .Then eat the nugget - nuts than the caramel. It is the best!

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I buy hard ice cream and sit there stirring it with a spoon until it is like soft ice cream. This is especially good with Edy's chocolate chip.


I also put soy sauce in wonton soup when I eat chinese food.

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Well, being Italian, and having been brought up by two parents whose idea of fast food was tagliolini with smoked salmon and sour cream with a chopped fresh dill topping, I'm very fortunate to have been brought up with extremely refined and diverse tastes.

My father taught me that if ever I ate anything I didn't like at first, to then try it cooked or prepared in three other different ways.

If I still didn't like it after that - I really didn't like it.

That taught me to appreciate a lot of different foods, and a lot of different dishes.

I've lived in Italy, France, the UK, and had a brief time in Norway and Tunisia... So I have extremely wide and eclectic dining tastes.

I know perfectly well how to lay the cutlery for a banquet, and how to use it, and in which order

I'm just telling you this, because I didn't taste my first MacDonald's burger until I was 19. Kentucky Fried Chicken came about two years later....

This makes me sound like a real food snob... until you learn that ....


....I adore Bad Boy hot chilli pot noodles with cheese strings dunked until they almost reach melting point! :laugh:

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Do you have any odd/repulsive food habits?


I love pepperoncini's, and will usually drink the juice from the jar after/while I eat them. Mmmm! (Super high in sodium, I know) Grosses my bf out.


I put ketchup on my tacos. Not sure if that's odd or not though, as it's a family thing.


I have a friend who puts ketchup on her carrots :sick:.


I think that's it for me. Anyone else? I wonder what random things would be good with cottage cheese...


Haha that's amazing you know what I really love ketchup, so I'm always putting it on my food any kind of food :laugh:

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When I was a disgusting younger kid/teen, I loved putting tomato sauce ( called ketchup in the USA), on white bread. A ketchup sandwich. Yum yum.....


Now a days, the only odd thing I like would be eating tomato pasta sauce, right out of the jar; the basil, garlic, tomatoes, and salt, actually taste great on a hot summers day, when it is in the fridge!



Another odd thing I am going try soon ( LOVEOFLOVEANDSTUFF LISTEN UP! cos this IS vegan..) IS to: put some raw organic chocolate in a sandwhich. LOL.


I buy organic rye, OR light rye bread ( made from rye flour, seeds, olive oil and salt ), and only eat pure chocolate, so it is not even an unhealthy option haha.


Seriously though. I have been thinking of the chocolate sandwhich for days! Perhaps I will have it for dinner tonight......... Although I feel like eggs:( Ah well, there is always next time...





STEVE- Haha, I also like anchovies, although I have nto had them in years. Most people find things like sardines and anchovies revolting, so they are weird to a lot of people.


I loved the salty anchovie type of canend fish UNTIL.......... In Hong Kong recently, I brought some packaged salted fish; just dried fish, and salt. I LOVE canned fish, and thought it would be delicious.



I ate a huge bit of it, and OH MY GOD. The fish was SO SO SO SO SOOOOOSalty.............. It was clearly NOT MEANT to be eaten that way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


So now I am a little hesitent to e at anchovies or any salty fish lol.


FEELINFRISKY - I was not a food addict, but I had an addiction to peanut butter and all nut butters; I ate a cup of peanut butter a few times.................. In much less than one hour LOL. ( if it makes u feel any better!)

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sb129, you're so right...but it's revoltingly lush and as near to comfort food as you can get, in sub-freezing UK!!

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When I was a disgusting younger kid/teen, I loved putting tomato sauce ( called ketchup in the USA), on white bread. A ketchup sandwich. Yum yum.....

I'll see your ketchup sandwich and raise you sugar on toast! About 2tsps per slice. Works best with brown bread and butter to make it stick. Yum!

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I ate a peanut butter, honey, and chocolate sandwich for dinner - with a glass of red wine.



I ate mostly peanut butter with honey - and when I was half way through one of my sandwiches ( I ate two of them haha what a fat ass) I put 3 squares of my sour cherry chocolate between the bread. It was not that nice.

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I ate a peanut butter, honey, and chocolate sandwich for dinner - with a glass of red wine.



I ate mostly peanut butter with honey - and when I was half way through one of my sandwiches ( I ate two of them haha what a fat ass) I put 3 squares of my sour cherry chocolate between the bread. It was not that nice.


It might be nice put it one of those sandwich makers so the chocolate melts, or if you just melt the chocolate first... kinda like nutella for vegans! yum yum.

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