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Thank you everyone for making me a stronger person.


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I got an email from an ex on the 24th asking me to hit her up if I ever go online. Thinking that she might had something urgent, I went online and asked her what's up. Turned out she just wanted to know how I have been doing. AND then she stated her intention. She wanted to apologize how things turned out. She thinks enough time has pass and I deserve an apology. To be frank with you guys, I felt indifferent. I still love her very much after all the words she said. I still wish we could so something about the relationship. However, an apology isn't what I need at this moment. I just need to be left alone and heal.


It made me wonder why she wanted to apologize when it's clear that the damages had been done and she won't make me feel better unless she wants to be with me.So she said her decision to apologize is INDEPENDENT to my current emotion state. I take it as she doesn't want to feel bad about what she did so she is saying sorry to get the guilt away. Is it normal to feel that way? Or I was acting abit crazy? (Yea curiosity kills a cat)


BuT what I really want to say in this post is that.......


She was once the girl I was going to spend my life with. A girl I am trying to forget in the past 14 months. Do I feel happy that she wants to talk again, even as a friend? YES! but I figured it will probably won't be healthy for me. I still love her and want to be with her, but all I can do is to respect her and leave her alone. My only request is for her to respect that I am trying to move on, even though it is slow but things like that can't be forced. We all move at our own pace and it's nothing to be ashamed of. I am still miles away from a total recovery, I doubt if I will even give someone 200% of myself. But I want to thank you guys, even I don't post much. LS is the place I come to every single day in the past year and you guys helped me went through the hardest time. I will still go on with my healing process and will have no anger towards her.


Happy Holidays Everybody :bunny:

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