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I have been dating this guy for awhile. Things were going great between us, which we both expressed to one another. We went on a weekend excursion to meet some of my family. Things went great, we all had a great time, and everyone got along great. He received stellar reviews from my family and they all thought he was "hooked". We returned home said our good-byes, hugged and kissed and told each other that we would talk to each other later. I have not heard from him in over a week. I have called and left messages, but none of them have been returned. The last thing I want to do is bother him. His friends have told me how he talks of me and that he talks of the great weekend we had. It makes no sense to me. I am fine if he no longer wants to see me, but I think he at least owes me a phone call. Am I asking too much? My heart does not break very easy, but it does sting. My thoughts are to cut the cord and move on, but I would like things to work out and I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt that he has been busy. Can someone tell me what he is thinking?

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Sounds a lot to me like he is scared to death. You went off for the weekend, he met some of your family, the two of you had a great time, nothing went wrong...this may have been something he didn't expect or maybe he's not used to. He may be terrified that the relationship is getting too close. There are many people who freeze in fright at the thought of getting very close to someone. There are many reasons for this.


Not returning your calls or discussing his feelings with you is extremely rude. Find out if he's OK. Send the police to check his home or apartment to see if he's been in an accident. You have absolutely no reason whatsoever to think he is upset with you so it would not be out of order to send authorities to check on him. Or if you know the phone number of one of his relatives, call them and tell them he hasn't returned your calls and you are concerned. Once they let you know he's just fine, FORGET HIS BUTT!!!


Of course, if he's been in an accident, visit him in the hospital.


If he spent the weekend with you, had a great time, hugged and kissed you at the end and said he would call...and has not returned your calls for a week, I would say he has some serious mental or social problems you just don't need. There is enough craziness out in the world without making it a part of your life.

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